Note that the ISBN hyphenation rule-base is a living document.

This is a maintenance category of articles with invalid ISBNs. It is often included by means of the template ((Please check ISBN)). If you fix an ISBN please remove the template or category from the article. Many article/ISBN problems are listed at WikiProject Check Wikipedia.

Reasons for invalid ISBNs

The main reasons for invalid ISBNs are -

Also possible are

ISBNs should not be listed because of

These errors should simply be fixed. The ISBN may have been incorrectly labelled invalid, but we have (to our surprise) found several examples where the publisher has put an invalid number on the book (see talk page for examples). Note that just because a number has not been identified as invalid, it doesn't mean it corresponds to the book in question, or indeed any book.

Thirteen-digit ISBNs starting with 978

As of 2007, all publishers are expected to provide newly issued books with 13-digit ISBNs. Many books published between 2004 and 2006 have also been (explicitly) assigned ISBN 13s (they all have one based on the 10 digit ISBN, or 9 digit SBN). The effect of the new standards policies is that every recent book has a pair of equally-effective ISBNs, one ISBN-10 and an equivalent ISBN-13 that begins with 978. (Many current books have both ISBNs actually printed on the back cover). Books issued after 1 January 2007 are expected to have at least the ISBN-13 printed on them. For all books whose ISBN starts with 978- it is possible to uniquely refer to any book either by its ISBN-10 or its (equivalent) ISBN-13 and both numbers will continue to be reserved for use by that book by the local ISBN agency. Beginning with the 979 prefix, only the ISBN-13 will work or be meaningful for the given book since there will no longer be an equivalent ISBN-10. There are some plans to eventually phase out the use of ISBN 10s but the effective timing of that is still not clear.

Thirteen-digit ISBNs starting with 979

As of 2019 the following ranges of 979-... ISBNs have been encountered:[1]

Handy hints



Asking for help

See also


  1. ^ "979-... ISBNs". Books by ISBN. Retrieved 2019-01-23.