This category is for Wikipedians who use the Google Chrome web browser. Please only specify your user page in this category, and not any sub-pages.

You can also add this to put a badge on your userpage:

Wikitext userbox where used
((User:Technical 13/Userboxes/Browser|Google Chrome))
linked pages
((User:Technical 13/Userboxes/Browser|gc|52.0.2743.82))
linked pages
((User GoogleChrome))
This user contributes using
Google Chrome.
linked pages
((User:Chinar Tree/userboxes/gc))
This user contributes using Chrome.

linked pages
((User browser:Google Chrome))
linked pages
((User:C.Syde65/Google Chrome))
Google ChromeThis user contributes using
Google Chrome.
linked pages

If you don't like any of the available userboxes above or are just anti-userbox, you may just add yourself to this category with:

[[Category:Wikipedians who use Google Chrome|((SUBST:#titleparts:((SUBST:BASEPAGENAME))|1))]]