This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (November 2023)

This is a list of historical separatist movements in South America. Separatism includes autonomism and secessionism.




Further information (in Portuguese): Separatist movements in Brazil [pt]

Empire of Brazil

Alagoas, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe (1824)

Main article: Confederation of the Equator

 Cisplatina, present-day  Uruguay (1825–1828)

Main article: Cisplatine War

São Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina (1836–1845)

Main article: Ragamuffin War

Bahia (1837–1838)

Main article: Sabinada

São Paulo (1887)

Republican Brazil

 Rio Grande do Sul

 São Paulo





Portuguese America

Captaincy of the Bay of All Saints

Captaincy of Minas Gerais

Captaincy of Pernambuco

Captaincy of São Vicente

Kingdom of Brazil

Spanish America

See also


  1. ^ Flores, Moacyr (2002). República Rio-Grandense: realidade e utopia [Riograndense Republic: reality and utopia] (in Portuguese). Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, Pontifícia Univ. Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. ISBN 8574303100.
  2. ^ Souza, Paulo César (2009). A Sabinada: A revolta separatista da Bahia [The Sabinada: The separatist revolt of Bahia] (in Portuguese). Cia das Letras.
  3. ^ Adduci, Cássia Chrispiniano (1999). "Para um aprofundamento historiográfico: discutindo o separatismo paulista de 1887" [Towards a historiographical deepening: discussing the São Paulo separatism of 1887]. Revista Brasileira de História (in Portuguese). 19 (38). São Paulo: 101–124. doi:10.1590/S0102-01881999000200005. Retrieved January 31, 2024.
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  8. ^ Rech, Fernando Luís (2017). "Políticas identitárias e usos do passado no movimento O Sul é o Meu País (1992–2017)" [Identity politics and uses of the past in the "O Sul é o Meu País" movement (1992–2017)] (in Portuguese). Chapecó. Retrieved February 5, 2024.
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  10. ^ Cohn, Amélia; Hirano, Sedi. "SEPARATISTA, O". Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (in Portuguese). Retrieved February 5, 2024.
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  13. ^ Amendola, Gilberto (November 13, 2016). "Aliança tenta unir quem quer se separar". Estadão (in Portuguese). Retrieved February 4, 2024.