The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to role-playing games:

Role-playing game

What type of thing are role-playing games?

Role-playing games can be described as all of the following:

Types of role-playing games

History of role-playing games

History of role-playing games

General role-playing games concepts

Role-playing games organizations

Role-playing games publications

Persons influential in role-playing games

   * Dave Arneson
   * Monte Cook
   * Ed Greenwood
   * Jeff Grubb
   * Gary Gygax
   * Luke Gygax
   * Laura Hickman
   * Tracy Hickman
   * Harold Johnson (game designer)
   * Robert J. Kuntz
   * Len Lakofka
   * Kim Mohan
   * Roger E. Moore
   * Douglas Niles
   * Carl Sargent
   * Lawrence Schick
   * James M. Ward

See also
