Early Life

Phanis Vlassides was born in 8th November 2008. Phanis was born in Cyprus, Limassol in the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus. Phanis spent most of his childhood playing Fortnite and once even got 100th place in a duo cash cup (out of 50,000) where he was just a few places off for a cash prize. Phanis was broken by that event and fell into a deep state of depression and started doing bad at school. After that tragic incident, Phanis’s parents sent him to IMS Private School of Cyprus. In his new school, Phanis finally met his first(and best) friend Igor Vatsovskyi. They first met in chemistry class after two weeks from the beginning of the school year. They met so late because Igor first chose psychology instead of chemistry and then changed to chemistry after two weeks. Phanis also likes to call himself a professional brawl stars player even though he is pretty bad at it. Half a year before he started attending IMS, Phanis met Yuki. Before that event, Phanis was just some depressed Cypriot malaka, but after he got together with her, he stayed depressed but wasn’t a malaka anymore.