Fekete Sas Kiadó, active since 1990 and based in Budapest, printing mainly works in the fields of fiction, social sciences, ethnography, culture and cultural history. In the first three decades of its existence, the publisher printed around 500 titles.

History The publishing house was established on April 28, 1990 and is still run by the company's founder István Fazakas, a former editor at the Magvető Kiadó publishing company. Another senior employee, until her death in 2015, was Magdolna Sz. Székely, who previously worked as an editor at Magvető Kiadó, too. The name Fekete Sas – Black Eagle – refers to the popular traditional symbolic motif found in the names of several hotels, restaurants and pharmacies. The wide range of publications includes fiction, children's and young adult literature, art publications, specialist books, documentary novels, memoirs, works on history and local history, travel guides, even volumes with special topics such as environmental protection, leather crafts, and viticulture.

Authors The publishing house publishes Milán Füst’s oeuvre, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, as well as the legendary master of Hungarian haiku, Ákos Fodor, the writings of the ethnographer and Bukovina Székely Rozália Kóka, who was awarded the Hungarian Cultural Heritage Prize, and the books of the József Attila Prize winner writer, poet and translator Éva Petrőczi, the books of other award-winning contemporary authors like András Petőcz, Attila Tomaji, Tibor Zalán, but also works by Hungarian classical writers. International literature is primarily represented by volumes written in German by authors such as Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rainer Maria Rilke, Bertolt Brecht, Sten Nadolny, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, in addition to classics like Henry David Thoreau's “Walden” or works by Chekhov and Montesquieu are published by Fekete Sas Kiadó.

Important book series Series 'Cultural historical walks in Budapest' Milán Füst, collected works Ákos Fodor series Large print books (for the visually impaired)

References • A gépmester. (Tarján Tamás) Könyvvilág, 1994. augusztus, 12. oldal. • Párbeszéd egy kiadóval. Fekete kőszáli sas (Sultz Sándor) Esti Hírlap, 1995. február, 9. oldal • Fazakas Istvánnal beszélget Nádor Tamás (Nádor Tamás) Könyvhét, 2004. szeptember, 30. oldal • Ki kicsoda a magyar könyvszakmában (Fazakas István) Kiss József Könyvkiadó, 2006 • Fekete Sas – a kultúra védjegye (Rojkó Annamária) Könyves Extra, 2007. január-február, 6. oldal • „Minden könyvünk értéket képvisel” (Fodor Csilla) Budapest 7 Nap, 2008. március, 12. oldal • Pesti Broadway. Séta – A múlt gazdagsága és a jelen ellentmondásai helyszínén (Bán Magda) Új Könyv Piac, 2010. március, 20–21. oldal • Harmincéves a Fekete Sas Könyvkiadó. (Néráth Mónika) Könyvhét, 2020. szeptember, 30. oldal

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