Sarah E. Rollens is a scholar of religion. Trained at the University of Toronto's Centre for the Study of Religion in the early 2010s, she is currently an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College.[1] Holder of the R.A. Webb Chair of Religious Studies at Rhodes College. She previously taught as an Instructor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Alabama.

Although also recognized as a specialist on early Christian texts, her broader interests include Christian origins, social theory, scribalism, identity formation, the ancient Mediterranean world, and the Synoptic gospels.

She is the executive editor for the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus.[2] She is also the book review editor of Studies in Religion.[3]. She sits on numerous editorial boards for international journals, including New Testament Studies, Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies,[4], and Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi.[5]

Her public scholarship has appeared in HuffPost,[6], The Independent,[7] the Marginalia Review of Books,[8] and Centre for the Study of Apocalpytic and Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM).[9]

Works by Sarah E. Rollens


  1. ^ "Sarah Rollens". Rhodes College.
  2. ^ "Rollens to Become Executive Editor of Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus". Rhodes News.
  3. ^ "Editorial Board: Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses: SAGE Journals".
  4. ^ "Editorial Board – Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies". 28 September 2018.
  5. ^ "Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi".
  6. ^ "Sarah Rollens". HuffPost.
  7. ^ "Sarah E. Rollens". The Independent.
  8. ^ "Sarah Rollens, Author at The Marginalia Review of Books". 30 December 2016.
  9. ^ "Sarah Rollens". March 22, 2023.
  10. ^ "Paul, 1 Thessalonians". January 2022.
  11. ^ Sarah Rollens (May 14, 2020). "Notes on the Historical Paul and his Intellectual Activity". Ancient Jew Review.
  12. ^ "The Sayings Source Q".