Francis Hitching is a British author, journalist and filmmaker, he is also a parapsychologist and a dowser.[1]


Hitching is an author who has written on earth mysteries, dowsing, paranormal and ley lines. In his book Pendulum: the psi connection(1977) Hitching came to the conclusion that dowsing is genuine, he listed a number of alternative explanations such as electromagnetism and psychic ability to explain the phenomena.[2] Stuart Fleming in the New Scientist gave Hitching's book Earth magic (1978) a positive review, Hitching in the book had linked many of the megaliths around Europe to groups of men which he called "megalithic mathematicians" who were tapping into a spiritual energy from the universe.

Hitching also wrote The world atlas of mysteries (1981) an atlas which listed many earth mysteries from around the world. The book was criticised in the New Scientist for some of Hitching's conclusions such as linking animal extinctions to reversals in the earth's magnetic field.[3]

Hitching is a non-Darwinian evolutionist. He wrote the book The Neck of the Giraffe or Where Darwin Went Wrong (1983) in which he criticised both creationism and Darwinism, instead supporting a form of neolarmackism.[4][5]

Books published


  1. ^ The Journal of parapsychology, Volume 42, Duke University Press, 1978, p. 325
  2. ^ New Scientist, 10 Nov, 1977 Online
  3. ^ New Scientist, 8 Feb, 1979 Online
  4. ^ The Neck of the Giraffe or Where Darwin Went Wrong, Francis Hitching, 1983, Signet, ISBN 0451622324
  5. ^ Leonardo's Mountain of Clams and the Diet of Worms: Essays on Natural History, Stephen Jay Gould, 2011, p. 303