Template:Greyhawk Deity

In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Gendwar Argrim is the dwarven hero-god of Fatalism and Obsession. His symbol is a waraxe bearing the dwarven rune for destruction.


The Doomed Dwarf's appearance is said to be unremarkable except for his sandy blond hair and beard. His dwarven waraxe, Forgotten Hope', screams every time a community of dwarves is attacked. He is in many ways the picture of a dwarven stereotype: dour, taciturn, and focused on the destruction of evil humanoids above all else.


Gendwar acheived hero-deity status thanks to the patronage of Clanggedin Silverbeard, god of war and battle.


Gendwar preaches nothing less than utter destruction of the enemies of the dwarven race. Honor, glory, wealth, and love are all meaningless in the face of this crusade. His followers expect fully to one day die in battle, but strive to take a thousand foes with them to the grave.

It is against the creed of the faith to retain more than 1,000 gp of wealth unless it is being saved to purchase better armaments.



Gendwar's clerics seek out and destroy evil humanoids and giants, particularly (though not exclusively) if they threaten dwarven settlements. These clerics help train warriors in tactics, search for new enemies and their weaknesses, and help fortify the stronghold against attacks.


As a young dwarf, Gendwar Argrim was traveling to another clan to begin his apprenticeship as a silversmith when his birth clan was wiped out by an invasion of giants and orcs. Because of the great distance he had traveled, he did not find out about the tragedy for a year. When the news finally came, he abandoned his apprenticeship and swore to keep no wealth and take no wife until every foe of dwarvenkind was slain. Although he fully expected to die long before his Quixotic quest was complete, instead he found immortality under the patronage of the god Clanggedin, after a quest in which he slew a divinely-descended fire giant and her minions.
