Jean-Marc Moret (born 6 June 1942 in Geneva, Switzerland) is a Swiss archaeologist and art historian. He was a professor of art history and archaeology at the Université Louis Lumière (Lyon II) (Lyon, France). He took part in the excavation in Metaponto with Antonio De Siena and in Palmyra with the Polish team led by Michal Gawlikowski. He also started two excavations in Italy, in Ostia Antica (the Schola del Traiano) and in Garaguso (Basilicata). He is known as a major specialist of ancient iconography. His master work, l'Ilioupersis dans la céramique Italiote, is considered to be an important publication on South Italian vase painting and iconography.[1]

Selected publications


Other publications


He began excavating in 1999 the so-called Schola del Traiano at Ostia Antica. In 2008, he began excavating the so-called Vigna Manzi at Garaguso (Basilicata).


  1. ^ La céramique apulienne. Bilan et perspectives, Actes de La Table ronde organisée par l'Ecole française de Rome en collaboration avec la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Puglia et le Centre Jean Bérard de Naples (Naples 30 novembre - 2 décembre 2000), Napoli, 2005, 229 ISBN 2-903189-81-1.