Journal | Notes |
Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics | |
Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae: twin research | (formerly Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae Volumes 1 (1952) - 27 (1978)) |
Acta Neuropsychiatrica | |
Acta Numerica | |
Advances in Animal Biosciences | |
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | |
Africa | |
Africa Bibliography | |
African Studies Review | (formerly African Studies Bulletin Volumes 1 (1958) - 12 (1969)) |
Ageing & Society | |
AJS Review | |
Albion | |
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture | |
American Political Science Review | |
The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History | |
Anatolian Studies | |
Ancient Mesoamerica | |
Anglo-Saxon England | |
animal | |
Animal Genetic Resources / Resources génétiques animales / Recursos genéticos animales | (formerly Animal Genetic Resources Information Volumes 1 (1983) - 45 (2009)) |
Animal Health Research Reviews | |
Animal Science | (formerly Animal Production Volumes 1 (1959) - 59 (1994)) |
Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology | |
Annals of Actuarial Science | |
Annual of the British School at Athens | |
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics | |
Antarctic Science | |
Antichthon | |
The Antiquaries Journal | |
Antiquity | |
The ANZIAM Journal | (formerly The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series B. Applied Mathematics Volumes 19 (1975) - 41 (April 2000). Split from The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society in 1975.) |
Applied Psycholinguistics | |
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing | |
Aquatic Living Resources | |
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy | |
Arbor Clinical Nutrition Updates | |
Archaeologia | |
Archaeological Dialogues | |
Archaeological Reports | |
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly | |
Art Libraries Journal | |
Asian Journal of Comparative Law | |
Asian Journal of International Law | |
Asian Journal of Law and Society | |
ASTIN Bulletin | |
Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology | |
Australasian Journal of Special Education | |
The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist | |
Australian Journal of Environmental Education | |
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education | |
The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling | |
Austrian History Yearbook | |
Behavioral and Brain Sciences | |
Behaviour Change | |
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy | (formerly Behavioural Psychotherapy Volumes 6 (1978) - 21 issue 2 (1993), B.A.B.P. Bulletin Volumes 1 (1973) - 5 (1977)) |
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition | |
Biofilms | |
BioSocieties | |
Bird Conservation International | |
BJHS Themes | |
Brain Impairment | |
Breast Cancer Online | |
Britannia | |
British Actuarial Journal | (formerly Journal of the Institute of Actuaries merged with Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries in 1995 to form the current title) |
British Catholic History | (formerly Recusant History Volumes 4 (1957) - 31 (2014), Biographical Studies, 1534-1829 Volumes 1 (1951) - 3 (1956)) |
British Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing | |
The British Journal for the History of Science | (formerly Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science Volumes 1 (1949) - 2 (1961). Both volumes have 10 issues each.) |
British Journal of Music Education | |
British Journal of Nutrition | |
British Journal of Political Science | |
BSAP Occasional Publication | |
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society | |
Bulletin of the British Association for American Studies | |
Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science | |
Bulletin of Entomological Research | |
Bulletin of Entomological Research Supplement Series | |
Bulletin International des Societes de la Croix-Rouge | (formerly |
Bulletin of the International Institute of Social History | |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies | |
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic | |
Business and Human Rights Journal | |
Business Ethics Quarterly | (formerly Impact Factor 1.927/5-Year Impact Factor 2.991) |
Business History Review | (formerly Bulletin of the Business Historical Society Volumes 1 (1926) - 27 (1953)) |
Cambridge Archaeological Journal | |
The Cambridge Classical Journal | (formerly Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society Volume 1 (1882) - Volume 180 (1951) and Volume 1 New Series (1952) - Volume 50 (2004)) |
Cambridge Historical Journal | |
Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry | |
The Cambridge Law Journal | |
Cambridge Opera Journal | |
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics | |
Cambridge Test Journal | (formerly testing) |
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies | |
Camden Fifth Series | (formerly Camden Fourth Series Volumes 1 (1964) - 44 (1992), Camden Third Series Volumes 1 (1900) - 94 (1963), Camden New Series Volumes 1 (1872) - 62 (1901), Camden Old Series Volumes 1 (1838) - 105 (1872)) |
Camden Fourth Series | (formerly Camden Third Series Volumes 1 (1900) - 94 (1963), Camden New Series Volumes 1 (1872) - 62 (1901), Camden Old Series Volumes 1 (1838) - 105 (1872)) |
Camden New Series | (formerly Camden Old Series Volumes 1 (1838) - 105 (1872)) |
Camden Old Series | |
Camden Third Series | (formerly Camden New Series Volumes 1 (1872) - 62 (1901), Camden Old Series Volumes 1 (1838) - 105 (1872)) |
The Canadian Entomologist | |
Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science | |
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine | |
Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence | |
Canadian Journal of Law & Society / La Revue Canadienne Droit et Société | |
Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La Revue canadienne de linguistique | |
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences / Journal Canadien des Sciences Neurologiques | |
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement | |
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique | (formerly Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science) |
Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit international | |
Cardiology in the Young | |
Central European History | |
Children Australia | |
The China Quarterly | |
Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology | |
Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture | |
The Classical Quarterly | |
The Classical Review | |
CNS Spectrums | |
the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist | |
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing | |
Communications in Computational Physics | |
Comparative Exercise Physiology | (formerly Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology Volumes 1 (2004) - 4 (2007)) |
Comparative Studies in Society and History | |
Compositio Mathematica | |
Contemporary European History | |
Continuity and Change | |
CORD Conference Proceedings | |
Dance Research Journal | (formerly CORD News Volumes 1 (1969) - Volume 6 (1974)) |
Design Science | |
Development and Psychopathology | |
Dialogue IO | |
Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie | |
Diamond Light Source Proceedings | |
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness | |
Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race | |
Early China | |
Early Music History | |
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | (formerly Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences Volumes 71 (1980) - 97 (2006), Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Volumes 1 (1788) - 70 (1979)) |
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics | |
Ecclesiastical Law Journal | |
Econometric Theory | |
Economics and Philosophy | |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany | |
Edinburgh Mathematical Notes | |
Eighteenth-Century Music | |
English Language and Linguistics | |
English Profile Journal | |
English Today | |
Enterprise & Society | |
Environment and Development Economics | |
Environmental Biosafety Research | |
Environmental Conservation | |
Environmental Practice | |
Epidemiologia e psichiatria sociale. Monograph Supplement | |
Epidemiology & Infection | (formerly Journal of Hygiene Volumes 1 (1901) - 97 (1986)) |
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences | (formerly Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale Volumes 1 (1992) - 19 (2010)) |
Episteme | |
Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology | |
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems | |
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations | |
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis | |
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics | |
Ethics & International Affairs | |
European Astronomical Society Publications Series | |
European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) | |
European Constitutional Law Review (EuConst) | |
European Journal of Applied Mathematics | |
European Journal of International Security | |
European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie | |
The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics | |
European Political Science Review | |
European Review | |
Experimental Agriculture | |
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine | |
[[Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review | |
Financial History Review | |
Foreign Policy Bulletin | |
Forum of Mathematics, Pi | |
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma | |
Fruits | |
Genetics Research | (formerly Genetical Research Volumes 1 (1960) - 89 (2007)) |
Geological Magazine | |
The Geologist | |
Glasgow Mathematical Journal | (formerly Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association Volumes 1 (1952) - 7 (1966)) |
Global Constitutionalism | |
Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics | |
Global Mental Health | |
Government and Opposition | |
Greece & Rome | |
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law | |
Harvard Theological Review | |
Health Economics, Policy and Law | |
Hegel Bulletin | (formerly Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain Volumes 1 issue 1 (1980) - 33 issue 66 (2012)) |
High Power Laser Science and Engineering | |
Highlights of Astronomy | |
The Historical Journal | (formerly Cambridge Historical Journal Volumes 1 (1923) - 13 (1957)) |
History in Africa | |
Horizons | |
Industrial and Organizational Psychology | |
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology | (formerly Infection Control Volumes 1 (1980) - 8 (1987)) |
International & Comparative Law Quarterly | |
International Astronomical Union Colloquium | |
The International Journal of Asian Studies | |
International Journal of Astrobiology | |
International Journal of Cultural Property | |
International Journal of Disability Management | |
International Journal of Law in Context | |
International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering | |
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies | |
International Journal of Middle East Studies | |
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care | |
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science | (formerly Insect Science and Its Application Volumes 1 (1980) - 23 (2003)) |
International Labor and Working-Class History | (formerly Newsletter European Labor and Working Class History Volumes 1 (1972) - 8 (1975)) |
International Organization | |
International Psychogeriatrics | |
International Review for Social History | |
International Review of Poultry Science | |
International Review of the Red Cross | (formerly |
International Review of the Red Cross (1961 - 1997) | (formerly |
International Review of Social History | (formerly Bulletin of the International Review of Social History Volumes 1 (1937) - 10 (1955)) |
International Theory | |
Iraq | |
Irish Historical Studies | |
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine | |
Israel Law Review | |
Italian Political Science Review / Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica | |
Itinerario | |
Japanese Journal of Political Science | |
The Journal of African History | |
Journal of African Law | |
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics | (formerly Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics Volumes 1 (1969) - 24 (1992)) |
The Journal of Agricultural Science | |
Journal of the American Philosophical Association | |
Journal of American Studies | (formerly Bulletin of the British Association for American Studies Volumes 1 (1956) - 9 (1959) and New Series Volumes 1 (1960) - 12/13 (1966)) |
Journal of Anglican Studies | |
Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition | |
The Journal of Asian Studies | (formerly Far Eastern Quarterly Volumes 1 (1941) - 15 (1956)) |
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society | (formerly Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics and Statistics Volumes 29 (1980) - 69 (2000), Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics Volumes 19 (1975) - 28 (1979)) |
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis | |
Journal of Biosocial Science | |
Journal of British Studies | |
Journal of Child Language | |
Journal of Chinese History / 中國歷史學刊 | |
The Journal of Classics Teaching | |
Journal of Dairy Research | |
Journal of Demographic Economics | |
Journal of Dentofacial Anomalies and Orthodontics | |
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease | |
Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging | |
Journal of East Asian Studies | |
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History | |
The Journal of Economic History | |
Journal of Experimental Political Science | |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics | |
Journal of French Language Studies | |
Journal of Functional Programming | |
Journal of Germanic Linguistics | (formerly American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures Volumes 1 (1989) - 12 (2000)) |
The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era | |
Journal of Global History | |
The Journal of Hellenic Studies | |
Journal of Helminthology | |
Journal of the History of Economic Thought | (formerly History of Economics Society Bulletin Volumes 1 (1979) - 11 (1989)) |
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | |
Journal of the Institute of Actuaries | |
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu | |
Journal of Institutional Economics | |
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society | |
Journal of the International Phonetic Association | |
Journal of K-Theory | |
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology | (formerly The Journal of Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology Volumes 6 (1892) - 35 (1920), The Journal of Laryngology and Rhinology Volumes 1 (1887) - 5 (1891)) |
Journal of Latin American Studies | |
Journal of Law and Religion | |
Journal of Linguistic Geography | |
Journal of Linguistics | |
Journal of Management & Organization | (formerly Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Volumes 1 (1995) - 11 (2005)) |
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | |
Journal of Materials Research | |
Journal of Mechanics | |
The Journal of Modern African Studies | |
The Journal of Navigation | |
Journal of Nutritional Science | |
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology | |
Journal of Paleontology | |
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance | |
Journal of the Plainsong & Medieval Music Society | |
Journal of Plasma Physics | |
Journal of Policy History | |
Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care | |
Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools | (formerly Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling , Queensland Journal of Guidance and Counselling Volume 1 (1987) - Volume 4 (1990)) |
Journal of Public Policy | |
Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics | |
Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice | |
Journal of Relationships Research | |
Journal of Roman Archaeology | |
The Journal of Roman Studies | |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society | (formerly Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Volumes 1 (1834) - 20 (1863) and New Series Volumes 1 (1864) - 122 (1990), Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society Volumes 1 (1827) - 3 (1834)) |
Journal of Smoking Cessation | |
Journal of Social Policy | |
Journal of the Society for American Music | |
Journal of Southeast Asian History | |
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | (formerly Journal of Southeast Asian History Volumes 1 (1960) - 10 (1969)) |
Journal of the Staple Inn Actuarial Society | (formerly Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Students' Society Volumes 1 (1911) - 30 (1987)) |
Journal of Symbolic Logic | |
Journal of Tropical Ecology | |
Journal of Tropical Psychology | |
Journal of Wine Economics | |
Journal of Zoology | |
Kantian Review | |
The Knowledge Engineering Review | |
Language and Cognition | |
Language in Society | |
Language Teaching | (formerly Language Teaching & Linguistics: Abstracts Volumes 8 (1975) - 14 (1981), Language Teaching: Abstracts Volumes 1 (1968) - 7 (1974)) |
Language Variation and Change | |
Laser and Particle Beams | |
Law and History Review | |
Legal Information Management | |
Legal Theory | |
Leiden Journal of International Law | |
Libyan Studies | (formerly Annual report - Society for Libyan Studies Volumes 1 (1969) - 9 (1978)) |
The Lichenologist | |
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics | |
Macroeconomic Dynamics | |
Management and Organization Review | |
Marine Biodiversity Records | |
The Mathematical Gazette | |
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena | |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | |
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | |
Mathematika | |
Mechanics & Industry | |
Medical History | |
Metallurgical Research & Technology | |
Microscopy and Microanalysis | |
Modern Asian Studies | |
Modern Intellectual History | |
Modern Italy | |
MRS Bulletin | (formerly Materials Research Society Newsletter Volumes 1 (1974) - 6 (1980)) |
MRS Communications | |
MRS Energy & Sustainability - A Review Journal | |
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research | |
MRS Online Proceedings Library | |
Nagoya Mathematical Journal | |
Natural Language Engineering | |
Netherlands International Law Review | (formerly Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht Volumes 1 (1953) - 21 (1974)) |
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences | |
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law | |
Network Science | |
Neuron Glia Biology | |
New Perspectives on Turkey | |
New Surveys in the Classics | |
New Testament Studies | |
New Theatre Quarterly | |
Nineteenth-Century Music Review | |
Nordic Journal of Linguistics | |
Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications | |
Nurse Prescriber | |
Nutrition Research Reviews | |
Organised Sound | |
Oryx | |
Paleobiology | |
Palliative & Supportive Care | |
Papers of the American Society of Church History | |
Papers of the British School at Rome | |
Parasitology | |
Parasitology Open | |
PASA - Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia | |
Perspectives on Politics | |
Philosophy | |
Phonology | (formerly Phonology Yearbook Volumes 1 (1984) - 4 (1987)) |
Plainsong and Medieval Music | (formerly Journal of the Plainsong & Mediaeval Music Society Volumes 1 (1978) - 13 (1990)) |
Plant Genetic Resources | |
Polar Record | |
Political Science Research and Methods | |
The Political Science Teacher | |
Politics & Gender | |
Politics and the Life Sciences | |
Politics and Religion | |
Popular Music | |
Powder Diffraction | |
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine | (formerly Journal of the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine Volumes 1 (1985) - 3 (1987).) |
Primary Health Care Research & Development | |
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences | |
Proceedings of the American Political Science Association | |
Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production (1972) | |
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society | |
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union | |
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society | |
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society | (formerly Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia Volumes 1 (1911) - 7 (1934)) |
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B: Biological Sciences | (formerly Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Natural Environment Volumes 75 (1975-1976), Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Biology Volumes 61(1941) - 74 (1974), Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Volumes 1 (1844) - 60 (1940)) |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section: A Mathematics | (formerly Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Volumes 61 (1941) - 71 (1974), Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Volumes 1 (1844) - 60 (1940)) |
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London | |
Progress in Neurotherapeutics and Neuropsychopharmacology | |
Prospects | |
PS: Political Science & Politics | (formerly PS Volumes 1 (1968) - 20 (1987)) |
Psychological Medicine | |
Psychological Medicine Monograph Supplement | |
Public Health Nutrition | |
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics | |
Queensland Journal of Guidance and Counselling | |
Queensland Review | |
Radioprotection | |
RAIRO - Operations Research | |
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications | |
Ramus | |
ReCALL | |
Recherches Economiques de Louvain - Louvain Economic Review | |
Religious Studies | |
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems | (formerly American Journal of Alternative Agriculture Volumes 1 (1986) - 18 (2003)) |
Reproductive Medicine Review | |
Review of International Studies | (formerly British Journal of International Studies Volumes 1 (1975) - 6 (1980)) |
Review of Middle East Studies | |
The Review of Politics | |
The Review of Symbolic Logic | |
Reviews in Clinical Gerontology | |
Revista de Historia Económica | |
Revista Internacional de la Cruz Roja | (formerly |
Robotica | |
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements | |
Rural History | |
Science in Context | |
Scottish Journal of Theology | |
Seed Science Research | |
Social Anthropology | |
Social Philosophy and Policy | |
Social Policy and Society | |
Social Science History | |
South Pacific Journal of Psychology | |
The Spanish Journal of Psychology | |
Speculum | |
Studies in American Political Development | |
Studies in Church History | |
Studies in Second Language Acquisition | |
Symposium - International Astronomical Union | |
Thalamus & Related Systems | |
Theatre Research International | |
Theatre Survey | |
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | |
Think | |
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia | |
Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh | |
Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries | |
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union | |
Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland | |
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society | |
Transnational Environmental Law | |
Twentieth-Century Music | |
Twin Research and Human Genetics | (formerly Twin Research Volumes 1 (1998) - 7 (2004), Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae: twin research Volumes 28 (1979) - 47 (1998), Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae Volumes 1 (1952) - 27 (1978)) |
Urban History | (formerly Urban History Yearbook Volumes 1 (1974) - 18 (1991)) |
Utilitas | |
Victorian Literature and Culture | (formerly Browning Institute Studies Volumes 1 (1973) - 18 (1990)) |
Visual Neuroscience | |
Wireless Power Transfer | |
World Politics | |
World Trade Review | |
World's Poultry Science Journal | (formerly International Review of Poultry Science Volumes 1 (1928) - 13 (1940)) |
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law | |
Zygote |