Luba Jurgenson[note 1] (born 1 July 1958) is a French-speaking woman of letters.

She is also a translator, a maître de conférences and codirector (with Anne Coldefy-Faucard) of the series "Poustiaki" at éditions Verdier [fr].[1] Her novel Au lieu du péril (2014) earned her the Prix Valery Larbaud in 2015.



She was born in Moscow, then-USSR[2] and is of Estonian origin and Russian culture,[3] but emigrated to Paris in 1975 at age 16.

Luba Jurgenson is agrégée in Russian (1997) and holder of a PhD in Slavic Studies (2001). She is a maître de conférences in russian literature at Paris-Sorbonne University. Her field of research is that of the literature of the camps.[4]

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Jurgenson made anti-war appeals in the French media: "Il faut porter la cause de l’Ukraine à l’Assemblée nationale"



Her best known translations are:






  1. ^ Estonian: Ljuba Jürgenson, Russian: Люба (ou Любовь) Юргенсон


  1. ^ 17 pages are devoted to her in the book Écrivains franco-russes by Murielle Lucie Clément, editions Faux titre, 2008.
  2. ^ Murielle Lucie Clément, Écrivains franco-russes, Faux titre, 2008, p. 13.
  3. ^ Radioscopie by Jacques Chancel (16 September 1981)
  4. ^ Conversation with Luba Jurgenson (Petra James and Nicolas Litvine).
  5. ^ Ida Junker, Le Monde de Nina Berberova, L'Harmattan, 2012, p. 283.
  6. ^ Murielle Lucie Clément, Écrivains franco-russes, Faux titre, 2008, p. 200. See also the critic by Nicole Zand in Le Monde dated 8 September 1989.
  7. ^ "Les deux corps du bilingue". Critic by Pierre Assouline du livre « Au lieu du péril » in "la République des Livres". Retrieved 8 December 2016..