local data = {}

-- information about other templates used by module
data.templates = { flag_icon_linked = "fbuicon",      -- template for flag icon and team link [fbicon|fbwicon]
	               youth_level = 21,
	               flagvar = { GRE = "old", ESP = "1945" }
data.params =    { date_format = "dmy",                              
	               further = "Further text in module", 
	               extra = "Extra text in module" ,
	               footer=  "\n'''Notes:'''\n((notelist-ua|refs="
	               	 .. "((efn-ua|name=goals|This player's goal tally includes one or more goals which the player scored in matches that were subsequently forfeited, but which FIFA continues to count in its statistics.))"
	                 .. "))"
data.active_countries = {"SWE" ,"UKR", "IRL", "POL"}

-- this is to test idea on only listing notes cited by checking name table
data.notes = { goals = "This player's goal tally includes one or more goals which the player scored in matches that were subsequently forfeited, but which FIFA continues to count in its statistics.",
	           misc  = "Some other note."
-- date of latest update
data.updated2 = { date = '11 December 2018' }
data.updated = { -- round,       group,  matches,  update date
                    prequalifying      = {   3,   "complete" },
                    group =      {  A =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    B =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    C =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    D =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    E =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    F =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    G =  {  1,   "2018-12-01" },
                                    H =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    Y =  {  20,   "2018-11-22" },
                                    Z =  {  20,   "2018-11-22" },
                    playoffs =           {   8,   "2018-12-02" },
--                    further_text = "[[Michel Platini]]'s nine goals remains a record in a single European Championship."
-- rounds of competition 
data.rounds = { prequalifying =3, group = 4, playoffs = 5 }  -- round with column for goals

--[[ how do we hand countries in groups and countries still participating
data.country {
	both = { D = { SCO, "complete"}, { POL, "complete"}, { IRL, "complete"}, { GER, "complete"} }, 
    group =  { D = { "SCO", "POL", "IRL", "GER" }, },
    ongoing = { "SCO", "POL", "IRL", "GER", etc }        --   list all countries still participating

data.groups = {
                    D = {  "ASA",  "ANG",  "ARU",  "BLR",  "BEN",  "BER",  "VGB",  "COL",  "COM",  "CGO",  "COK",  "CRO",  "DEN",  "DMA",  "COD",  "SLV",  "EST",  "ETH",  "FRA",  "GHA",  "GIB",  "HAI",  "IDN",  "JOR",  "KUW",  "LIE",  "MAD",  "MLT",  "NAM",  "NCA",  "NIG",  "NIR",  "NOR",  "PNG",  "POR",  "SKN",  "LCA",  "SRB",  "SVK",  "SDN",  "TAH",  "TAN",  "TOG",  "TGA",  "TCA",  "UKR",  "ZAM" },
                    G = {  "ALB",  "ARG",  "ARM",  "AUS",  "AZE",  "BHR",  "BRB",  "BHU",  "BOL",  "BRU",  "BDI",  "CPV",  "CHA",  "CHN",  "CUW",  "CYP",  "EGY",  "FRO",  "FIJ",  "GAB",  "GEO",  "GER",  "GUI",  "GNB",  "GUY",  "HKG",  "HUN",  "ISL",  "ISR",  "JAM",  "KGZ",  "LIB",  "LUX",  "MAC",  "MKD",  "MWI",  "MLI",  "MRI",  "MEX",  "MNG",  "MOZ",  "PRK",  "OMA",  "PAN",  "POL",  "PUR",  "IRL",  "RUS",  "VIN",  "SAM",  "STP",  "SEY",  "SLE",  "RSA",  "ESP",  "SUR",  "SWZ",  "SYR",  "THA",  "TLS",  "TUN",  "UGA",  "USA",  "UZB",  "VIE" },
                    Y = {  "AFG",  "ALG",  "AND",  "AUT",  "BAH",  "BEL",  "BIH",  "BUL",  "CAM",  "CMR",  "CAN",  "CTA",  "TPE",  "DJI",  "FIN",  "GAM",  "GRE",  "GUM",  "GUA",  "HON",  "IND",  "IRQ",  "ITA",  "CIV",  "KVX",  "MAS",  "MDV",  "MNE",  "MSR",  "NCL",  "NZL",  "NGA",  "PLE",  "PER",  "QAT",  "SIN",  "SVN",  "KOR",  "SSD",  "SWE",  "TJK",  "TRI",  "TUR",  "TKM",  "UAE",  "VEN",  "WAL" },
                    Z = {  "AIA",  "ATG",  "BAN",  "BLZ",  "BOT",  "BRA",  "BFA",  "CAY",  "CHI",  "CRC",  "CUB",  "CZE",  "DOM",  "ECU",  "ENG",  "EQG",  "ERI",  "GRN",  "IRN",  "JPN",  "KAZ",  "KEN",  "LAO",  "LVA",  "LES",  "LBR",  "LBY",  "LTU",  "MTN",  "MDA",  "MAR",  "MYA",  "NEP",  "NED",  "PAK",  "PAR",  "PHI",  "ROU",  "RWA",  "SMR",  "KSA",  "SCO",  "SEN",  "SOL",  "SOM",  "SRI",  "SUI",  "URU",  "VIR",  "VAN",  "YEM",  "ZIM" }

-- main goalscorer table 
data.goalscorers = {
    --                                                 ---------    goals by stage -------
	--  player name,            country,   group id,     prequalifying, group, playoffs

    -- top goal scorers from group D
    {"Steven Fletcher",        "Scotland",         0,       7,       0   },
	{"Kamil Grosicki",         "POL",           0,       4,       0   },
    {"Robbie Keane",     "IRL",         0,       {5, " (Irish legend)"},       0   },
    {"Robert Lewandowski",     "POL",           1,     { 13, "comment1"},       {0, "((efn-ua|name=goals))"}   },
    {"Shaun Maloney",          "Scotland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Arkadiusz Milik",        "POL",           0,       6,       0   },
    {"Thomas Mtller",          "Germany",          0,       9,       0   },
    {"Thomas Müller",          "Germany",          0,     {  9, "((efn-ua|name=goals))" },       0   },
    {"Thomas Mvller",          "Germany",          0,       9,       0   },
    {"Thomas İsmail",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Ismai",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Ismaili",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Ian",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Issac",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Brown",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Smith",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },

    {"Wu Lei",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },
    {"Yu Dabao",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },
    {"Gao Lin",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },
    {"Xiao Zhi",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },

    {"Thomas Smith",          "SCO",         0,       1,       0   },
    -- test sorting
    { {"[[Robert Lewandowski]]", "Aaa, test" },   "NCL",         0,       15,       0   },
    {"[[Brandon]]",   "NCL",         0,       15,       0   },
    {"Oak",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oak Hill",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oak Ridge",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oakley Park",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oakley River",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {  "Jón Dagur Þorsteinsson (real name)",                            "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {  "Jon Dagur Thorsteinsson (anglised name)",                       "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    { {"Jón Dagur Þorsteinsson (sort name)", "Thorsteinsson, Jon Dagur" },   "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {  "Kári Árnason (real name)",                                           "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {  "Kari Arnason (anglised name)",                                       "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    { {"Kári Árnason (sort name)",           "Arnason, Kari" },              "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Jon Aaaason",          "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Jon bbbbson",          "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Jon Zzzzason",          "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Country Code",          "ISL",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LAO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GNB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ZAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SIN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SUI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SKN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CPV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ALB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KSA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CYP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IRN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BAH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CMR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PHI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SSD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UGA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DJI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BEL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CRO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AND",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "URU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ARM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AUS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ALG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BUL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NEP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ERI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "RWA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ARG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UZB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NIR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GER",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TAH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NED",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GHA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CTA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BRA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LUX",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LIB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BOT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PAK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IRQ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SDN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TPE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MOZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UAE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LVA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HAI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CAY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IDN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HUN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HON",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "STP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "QAT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CZE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MDA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MLT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NZL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ARU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CHA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CIV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ENG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KUW",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IRL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VIE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NCA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CUB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PUR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NOR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VIR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BDI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AUT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SLE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BER",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GEO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "JPN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HKG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CHI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VGB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SWZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ISL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "WAL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ESP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SMR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PER",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LES",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NCL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SVN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MDV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TJK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "OMA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CGO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SYR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GIB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ROU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MNE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FRA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "USA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CUW",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KAZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SRB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TOG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PLE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TKM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LIE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AFG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SOL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TCA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "THA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MTN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ZIM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KVX",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MWI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SLV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MSR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PAR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KGZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AIA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CHN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GAB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TRI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MKD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IND",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FRO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SUR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BHU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MNG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MEX",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BFA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SEY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FIN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BOL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TGA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SWE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DMA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BRB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ETH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "POL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LTU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DOM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PRK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "JOR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FIJ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ANG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VIN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UKR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "EST",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AZE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ASA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LCA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SRI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CRC",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GRN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MRI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BIH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SVK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ITA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAC",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SOM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BRU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BLR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KOR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BLZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GRE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "EGY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "POR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "RSA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LBR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LBY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "RUS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BHR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PNG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NGA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ATG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TUN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NIG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MLI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "EQG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "YEM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "JAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TLS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TUR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ECU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SCO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MYA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"Aung San Suu Kyi",        "MYA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ISR",         0,       1,       0   },

	-- top goalscorers from play-offs

    {"Zlatan Ibrahimović",     "SWE",         2,    8,          3   },
    {"Jonathan Walters", "IRL",         0,    3,          2   },
    {"Andriy Yarmolenko",      "UKR",         0,    4,          2   },

    -- note: needed to remove accents from Muller and Ibrahimovic
data.owngoalscorers = {
    {"Jonathan Walters", "IRL",         0,    {1,"Spain"},          0   },

return data