-- This module creates a table of tables 
-- principally intended for converting the Wikidata QID of a unit into the code used by ((convert))
-- It is meant to be imported with require() into other modules where it will make available:
-- e.g. unitByQid["Q11573"]["convertcode"] which has the value 'm'
-- e.g. unitByQid["Q11573"]["singular"] which has the value 'metre'
-- unitByQid will become a table in the scope of wherever it is called
-- Note: module formerly had entries for abbreviation, but ((convert)) is best placed to handle that

local s = "singular"
local p = "plural"
local c = "convertcode"

unitByQid = {


[s]="square metre",


[s]="square foot",
[p]="square feet",




[s]="US gallon",




[s]="pound per square inch",
[p]="pounds per square inch",
