Paeon[pronunciation?] or Paion (Ancient Greek: Παίων, gen.: Παίονος) in Greek mythology was a Paionian mentioned in the Iliad of Homer as the father of the warrior Agastrophus, slain by Diomedes, while fighting on the side of Troy in the Trojan War.[1] He is presumably the same as the Paeon mentioned in Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica as the father by Cleomede of Laophoon, a companion of Asteropaios slain by Meriones.[2]


  1. ^ Homer, Iliad 11.339, 11.368.
  2. ^ Quintus Smyrnaeus, Posthomerica p. 112, 6.549–555; Parada, "Paeon 1." p. 135; Connor, "Paeon" p. 1096.
