RuneQuest Book of Treasure
DesignersRudy Kraft
44 years ago
SystemsBasic Role-Playing

Plunder is a tabletop role-playing game supplement for RuneQuest. Originally published by Chaosium in 1980, it was republished in 2016 in PDF format as part of Chaosium's RuneQuest: Classic Edition Kickstarter.


Plunder is a supplement which includes a method for generating treasure, as well as statistics for 43 magic items[1] by Rudy Kraft.


Forrest Johnson reviewed Plunder in The Space Gamer No. 33.[1] Johnson commented that "the lack of exotic magic items has heretofore been a weak point in RuneQuest. The items have authentic Gloranthan flavor, complete with history and cult affinities. The discreet use of these items will add spice to a campaign without reducing it to Monty Haul."[1]

Oliver Macdonald reviewed Plunder for White Dwarf #25, giving it an overall rating of 5 out of 10, and stated that "All points considered Plunder is an interesting but by no means essential RuneQuest play aid, certainly not worth buying if you have a limited budget."[2]

John T. Sapienza, Jr. reviewed Plunder for Different Worlds magazine and stated that "Plunder is a useful idea, and well done. I recommend it to all RQ GMs."[3]



  1. ^ a b c Johnson, Forrest (November 1980). "Capsule Reviews". The Space Gamer (33). Steve Jackson Games: 33–34.
  2. ^ Macdonald, Oliver (June–July 1981). "Open Box". White Dwarf (25). Games Workshop: 12–13.
  3. ^ Sapienza, Jr., John T. (July 1981). "Reviews". Different Worlds (12): 24.