Push and pull factors in migration according to Everett S. Lee (1917-2007) are categories that demographers use to analyze human migration from former areas to new host locations. Lee's model divides factors causing migrations into two groups of factors: push and pull. Push factors are things that are unfavourable about the home area that one lives in, and pull factors are things that attract one to another host area.[1][2]

Push factors:

Pull factors:

See also


  1. ^ Lee, Everett S. (1966). "A Theory of Migration". Demography. 3 (1): 47–57. doi:10.2307/2060063. JSTOR 2060063. S2CID 46976641.
  2. ^ Guido Dorigo, and Waldo Tobler, "Push-pull migration laws." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 73.1 (1983): 1-17 online

Further reading