Secretary General of Foreign Affairs (in Portuguese: Secretário-Geral das Relações Exteriores, more commonly known as Secretary General of Itamaraty) is the highest position in Brazil's professional diplomatic career. The position must be occupied by a born Brazilian, admitted to the diplomatic career by public exams, and he or she must be a career ambassador (and not a political appointee). It is generally considered "the most graduated Brazilian diplomat"[1][2][3][4][5] The Secretary General manages the Itamaraty, Brazil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He or she acts under the guidances of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil (who can be a political appointee). As vice-chancellor of Brazil, the Secretary General is the Acting Foreign Minister inside Brazilian borders during all the trips abroad performed by the official, political Minister.[6][7]

The current Secretary General of Foreign Affairs is Ambassador Maria Laura da Rocha.

Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães, Secretary General of Foreign Affairs between 2003 and 2009

List of former secretaries general

List of former under secretaries of state

List of former directors general

List of former major officers


  1. ^ "Discurso do Ministro Mauro Vieira por ocasião da cerimônia de posse do Secretário-Geral, Embaixador Sérgio Danese – Palácio Itamaraty, 19 de janeiro de 2015". Retrieved 2016-06-08.
  2. ^ "O Secretário Geral, os Chefes de Departamento e os Chefes de Divisão da Secretaria de Estado serão escolhidos dentre os funcionários da carreira de Diplomata e designados por Decreto executivo". Retrieved 2016-06-08.
  3. ^ "Discurso do embaixador Sérgio Danese por ocasião da cerimônia de transmissão do cargo de secretário-geral das Relações Exteriores – Brasília, 25 de maio de 2016". Archived from the original on January 22, 2019. Retrieved 2016-06-11.
  4. ^ "Discurso do Ministro Mauro Vieira por ocasião da Sessão Solene em homenagem aos 70 anos do Instituto Rio Branco – Brasília, 11 de agosto de 2015". Archived from the original on February 12, 2019. Retrieved 2016-06-11.
  5. ^ "Secretário-Geral do Itamaraty" (PDF).
  6. ^ "Livro Por Dentro do Itamaraty" (PDF).
  7. ^ "Anuário do Ministério das Relações Exteriores" (PDF).