Fra Serafino Razzi (Marradi 1531 – Florence 1613), was an Italian Dominican friar who in 1563 published a large collection of carnival songs in the lauda genre.[1] Razzi's collection Libro primo delle laudi spirituale is a miscellany of pieces of varying age and character from the music of Florence.[2] It contains 91 lauda settings for one to four voices. Razzi travelled widely and kept diaries of his journeys.[3]

Razzi's sister was the sculptor and nun Maria Angelica Razzi.



  1. ^ Apel, Willi (1969). Harvard dictionary of music. Harvard University Press. p. 464. In the second half of the 16th century Fra Serafino Razzi inaugurated a vast literature of laude in the popular styles of the villanella and canzonetta [ex. by G. Animuccia in SchGMB, no. 120]. Frequently, folksongs and dance melodies were used with the religious texts
  2. ^ Garriott, Anita (1973). Fra Serafino Razzi and his laude collections of the sixteenth century.
  3. ^ Sorella, Sergio (2009). "Tra sviluppo e decadenza". Termoli. Donzelli: 418. ISBN 9788860363718.