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This article, Social work management, has recently been created via the Articles for creation process. Please check to see if the reviewer has accidentally left this template after accepting the draft and take appropriate action as necessary. Reviewer tools: Inform author

Social work management is the management of organisations or enterprises in the social economy and non-profit sector, e.g., public service providers, charities, youth welfare offices, associations, etc.[1] Social work managers need to have a high degree of leadership skills to make considered managerial decisions, to empower social workers, to develop staff within and collaborate with partners outside the social and human service organisation. Social work management as a field of education and practice was established in many universities since the 1980s.[2]


  1. ^ Austin, Michael J. (2018-12-01). "Social Work Management Practice, 1917–2017: A History to Inform the Future". Social Service Review. 92 (4): 548–616. doi:10.1086/701278. ISSN 0037-7961.
  2. ^ Patti, Rino J. (2013-06-11). "Management: Overview". Encyclopedia of Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.589. Retrieved 2021-07-17.