

I believe that the 2002 version should be merged with RE1. Both games are the same. (talk) 19:48, 16 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I disagree. Both games are different and notable. In fact, the 2002 title is a remake of the 1996 title. They are both completely different games, and merging them into a single long article will confuse readers, not to mention the fact that the article about the 1996 game is already very long. --Niwi3 (talk) 20:42, 9 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Plot Correction


Currently, the plot description reads: "[...] Upon release, the Tyrant turns toward Wesker and impales him. The player then apparently kills the Tyrant and a self-destruct system is triggered. After the player calls for a rescue helicopter, the Tyrant bursts through the roof of the lab onto the helicopter pad and attacks. Vickers drops a rocket launcher and the player fires it at the Tyrant, blowing the monster apart. The player escapes in the helicopter and the game ends as the mansion explodes."

The scenario doesn't always play out like this. For instance, if Barry dies in the catacombs earlier in the game, the Tyrant will not burst onto the helipad. Instead, Jill will set off the flare and get rescued by the helicopter without having to fight the Tyrant for a second time. If Barry is alive and Jill trusts him (she waited for him to come back after he dropped the rope earlier in the game), he will knock out Wesker. Barry and Jill will then head into the lab and Barry will accidentally release the Tyrant.

I will attempt to rewrite this so it fits with better with all the possible scenarios. Chris TC01 (talk) 16:52, 28 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Plot Analysis


I have edited the plot section, and added a segment concerning the storyline's canon. Is this better suited in Trivia, or is it not necessary at all? (talk) 23:36, 2 February 2008 (UTC).[reply]

A question


What does it mean that "some U.S. versions" of the Saturn release did contain original footage? How many U.S. versions have been released? puppi- 25/08/06



I thinking that REmake (the GameCube version) needs a separate article from the RE1 article. Unlike say REDC and RECVX, REmake isn't a mere patch work, but a complete remake with various differing elements from the original. While the basic differences between the two games are practically covered in the "Alternative versions" section, it still could use an article of its own. Of course, some may object, seeing how the basic storyline between both versions is the same. Please discuss.Jonny2x4 18:58, 20 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm inclined to agree - there is enough deviation and variation from the original Resi to merit an article of its own. --Squirminator2k 20:28, September 5, 2005 (UTC)
I initially agreed, but am beginning to differ at this point. There simply isn't enough new information to warrant a separate article. That being said, I would like to recommend a revised "External Links" division (all official outlets are directed to foreign language counterparts). For example, a Japanese site on "Biohazard" would probably be better suited to Wikipedia's alternative and not the English version. - AWF

I think that there should be a seperate article for REmake for 2 reaons -So much was changed in the REmake, that it seems like a completely new game (New style, different puzzle solutions, new enemies), and secondly, this article is very very long with all of this information. -MentosC 03:42, 8 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think there's a lot you can say about REmake on its own; why not instead split the entire alternate versions section out into its own article? - A Man In Bl♟ck (conspire | past ops) 03:46, 8 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sounds like a good idea; the enhanced versions of RE 1 are making the file too big. It's around 50 kb right now, and the minimum is supposed to be around 32kb. Creating a special secion for enhanced ports (and remakes) would dramatically reduce the file size and help it meet Wikipedia standards. I'm all for it, as long as the RE Remake gets its own seperate article. And don't think there's not enough about the remake to make a pretty respectable-sized article; I'm crazy enough to do it. Don't even get me started on the Twin Snakes discussion on the Metal Gear Solid page. Since it seems everyone wants to do the split, someone's got to carry out the responsibility. Any takers?Stephen Mathis 03:14, 24 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I disagree. I think the Overview is the most bloated section of this article. For example, the main text contains a paragraph which goes on to describe some of the enemies featured in the game, then there's a section dedicated to doing the same. If we could trim it down, then it would be better.

Anyway the GameCube version of Resident Evil deserves its own page, since it's no mere port of the game, but a new production with several retcons and redone graphics and voice acting. Unlike Deadly Silence, which was just a souped-up port of the PS1 game. Jonny2x4 07:26, 26 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What is the name of the song Jill plays on the Piano?


I like that song... anyone remember the name of it?

It's the Moonlight Sonnata. If that is how it's spelled.

It's Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven. Keiran Horn 18:07, 18 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Uncut Intro


The Article said that only the PC Version contains the Uncut intro. This is not entirely true, as the European Playstation Version of Resident Evil Director's Cut contains the uncut intro as well. If I remember correctly, the US Director's Cut still contains the censored intro due to a failure in production of the Master Disc (someone put the wrong file on the disc), but I have no citable sources for that.

I would like to know were people got the idea that George Trevor is the Elder Crimson head inside the coffin? there is no evidance in the game to support this and if i recall correctly there is a note or something saying that the Elder was a recent experiment while Trevor had been dead for around 40 or so years.

I have heard this theory. It is based around the Lisa notes. When referring to her mother and father's coffins, she refers to the inside (referring to corpse?) of the coffin of one being "white" (bone) and the other being "red and slimey" (rotting flesh?). Other things relating to this theory is that Lisa Trevor stole peoples faces and wore them as masks. The coffin of the "Crimson Head Elder" is opened after placing four masks on a stand. Also... if George was underground when he found a coffin with his name on... I don't think they burried him in the false tomb within the mansion...a little hard to be looking underground and fall a floor upward.--OsirisV (talk) 12:24, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Release dates


I noticed that the release dates are taking a lot of space in the infobox. I think we should merge all the dates, except of the original Playstation release, into the Differences between versions section. --Mika1h 20:32, 15 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well I think putting all the release dates as they were released is a good idea cause not everybody has the same version of the game,so it makes it easier for people to know what version they have ,if you only put some versions of the game some people may not have the version of that game ,its for reference ,the more info you put the less the user will have to go around looking for other info,so everything is in 1 place and besides,I don't think we have a limit on how much info we could put,i could be wrong but I'm a completionist, I want to put as much info as possible,this is wikipedia and no info is 100% correct but I'm close so I appreciate if you don't revise it ,even though its on the website history and edits could be restored anytime but that's not the point.I want to put as much info as possible to help the user,I'm not trying to confuse them, so please concentrate on other parts of the article & let me do what I have to do cause not only does it help other users It'll help me alot too.I come to this website alot so what I'm doing is not for fun, its for reference and my sources are good <--check this website out and then tell me if I'm wrong ,Its easier to have all info in one place then search many places for it you know? so be kind and let me worry about the release dates,we are not even getting paid for this so don't take this to heart. :) spank you very much..even though u'r idea of grouping release dates based on platform is good, is not gonna help as much to other users if you just put release dates in groups,I'm doing it by chronological order so its easier,at least for me it is..thank you PaPiRiCoSuAvE (talk) 02:02, 14 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Note on Overview


I think that more information should be included about the utilisation of prerendered backgrounds and static camera angles in the overview section. It would greatly benefit those who are ignorant to exactly why Capcom chose to use these often criticised elemen ts in the game, so the reader can draw his own conclusions and form his own opinions on this controversial matter. - Eam91 18:40 (GMT) April 10th '07

If you mean this:
"Needless to say, these often imaginative camera angles convey a beautifully cinematic feel to the player. The prerendered backgrounds are also maticullously detailed; indeed, had the backgrounds been in full 3D, then the sheer haunting beauty of the backgrounds found in the game (which contribute a great deal to the game's unsettling atmosphere), would be absent, since the hardware which hosted the game at the time was far to primative to achieve the same level of intricacy as the two-dimensional prerendered backgrounds."
It's a rather blatant POV insertion. Skipping the spelling problems, there's no citations and is simply your own beliefs about the issue. This is not encyclopedic. So I removed it. I have been trying to keep this article cleaned up for a while, and no longer have the energy or patience to work on it. No sooner do I cut out the game advice, POV pushing, and unencyclopedic language and information than someone replaces it, or adds more. Best of luck to the editors working on this article in future. Geoff B 17:58, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I can see you're point - prehaps it would be wise to change the tone of the passage to suit an encyclopedia; however I retain the opinion that it should be made clear to the reader why Capcom chose two-dimensional prerendered over three-dimensional backgrounds. Prehaps my edit reads more like a review than an encyclopedia entry, and I welcome anybody who want's to change it's style whilst still reserving the general information in the passage. - Eam91 22:28 (GMT) April 10th '07.
Geoff, you have to expect such things from articles frequently visited (and by a generally younger group of Wikipedians, no less). If you wish to turn this article around, tag it for a serious overhaul. It's a main article, so it'll draw the attention of the CVG Project administrators very quickly, I'd imagine. Gamer Junkie 23:05, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What is your view 'Gamer Junkie' (or any other wikipedian) on this prerendered background affair? I think it is important to outline the reasons why Capcom chose to utilise them in the game. I heartily accept that prehaps my style of writing is prehaps unsuitible for an encyclopedia, and, as I said yesterday, I welcome anybody who wishes to re-write it, provided they retain the original general facts contained in it. I recognise that the passage reads more like a magazine review of the game (I might re-write it myself later to fit the tone an encyclopedia should have). -Eam91 10:11 (GMT) April 11th 2007.

I find the context used by yourself in the aforementioned passage to be far, far too blatantly biased, as Geoff had earlier mentioned. Were you to write this from a neutral position, it would certainly be considered noteworthy. The prerendered backgrounds used in Resident Evil titles were a signature of the series for the majority of its existence. Indeed, many of the most die-hard fans who despised Resident Evil 4 and the Outbreak series found the lack of signature RE "characteristics", such as prerendered backgrounds, to be a major area of contention. Gamer Junkie 18:11, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
On another view, your "facts" are far too incorrect anyhow Eam91. Remake and Zero where actually built and rendered in 3D game engines - because the GameCube couldn't handle that detail they opted instead to capture 30 frames per second footage of the 3D game "action" in image format - the GameCube then displays these 30 images which in turn act like animation - hence the movement etc. of background elements in the game. Parjay 19:13, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I was writing about the 1996 original, as my knowledge of the Gamecube games isn't broad enough to to make any contributions on Wikipedia about the Remake and Zero. I personally think that having seperate pages for the original and the remake would be a good idea, but that is another matter entirely. - Eam91 21:05 (GMT), April 11th 2007.

Note on Vandalism


I was aghast to discover some offensive vandalism on this page, which I have promptly edited out. If any wikipedians find any other blatant vandalism on this page, then please edit it out. - Eam91 17:11 (GMT) April 11th '07.

"inter-connecting item boxes"


The English localization section includes the statement that "Capcom also planned to eliminate the inter-connecting item boxes for the North American version and this was actually implemented in review copies of the game." Can someone please describe what "inter-connecting item boxes" are? Because I have no clue and can't find anything on the page nor in a Google search describing what they are. Perhaps this statement should me removed entirely if no one can describe what it means. EvanED 11:10, 28 May 2007 (UTC)

In the game, every item box has the same items that you put in. For example, you put a knife in the medicine room of the mansion and that same knife is in the gaurdhouse item box later on. Thats what they wanted to take out.
Inter connecting describes it just as it works. Parjay 14:34, 4 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Separating RE Remake for Game Cube


I think we should separate Resident Evil Remake from the original game. I think we should seperate Resident evil Deadly silence. The remake should probbaly be seperated aswell but i think Deadly silence deffinatly should. DeadWood 15:42, 9 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Why? There's not much be said about those titles on their own, especially the DS version which is just the original with new puzzles and touchpad support. Should we also give RE Director's Cut its own page since it had an arranged mode? Of course not. Parjay ► Talk 15:57, 9 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I agree to DeadWood, the remake of Resident Evil is more than a simply port (Unlike the Nintendo DS version). In that case, why would not it have an article devoted contrary has Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes or Tomb Raider: Anniversary?
Disagree. REmake is largely the same as the PS1 version, the changes are mainly to the game's appearance. The layout of the mansion, game's events, controls, characters, etc are the same. REmake was a cosmetic upgrade, with a few small additions. Geoff B (talk) 16:20, 17 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Alone in the Dark


has there been much research done into the origins of Resident Evil? i personally consider the statement that it was completely based on sweet home as one of the most suspect comments in the history of videogames, the game is pretty much 80 percent based on Alone in the dark, and has very few similarities to Sweet home at all. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:36, 16 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Creatures section


I'm thinking maybe this should go. The article was already large, and now even moreso with the addition of The Umbrella Chronicles brief. We've got an article on RE creatures (I think it still exists). Maybe we should just ditch it. Gamer Junkie T / C 08:06, 14 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yep, the RE creatures article still exists. I'd say get rid of the list in this article and stick in a link to the creatures article. Geoff B (talk) 09:22, 14 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Do you think we need more input, or should we just go ahead with this? Gamer Junkie T / C 01:57, 15 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I guess I'll just go ahead with it. If anybody wishes to argue a reason for it to stay, they can chime in here. Gamer Junkie T / C 05:57, 16 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Rebecca Chambers? Please answer


Does anyone know for sure if Rebecca dies or if she survives? Neither the PS1 or GC versions make it very clear?

Anyone know? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Seanyboy nazz (talkcontribs) 20:49, 25 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I've completed the original Playstation version a number of times and there is a scenario where Rebecca gets killed by a Hunter. Has anyone else seen this cutscene? DANZIG666 (talk) 15:06, 15 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

From what i heard, in the official Storyline EVERYONE survives. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:00, 29 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]



In the GameCube remake section of this article, the following sentence occurs:

The script was rewritten to have a more serious tone and improved translation, as opposed to the cheesy B-movie dialogue and "English" script of the original.

English is a disambiguation page, which means it should not be linked to directly; this link needs to be piped to go to the article for the specific sense intended here. Unfortunately, while doing dab work for English, I got to this article and was uncertain what that sense was. I suspect it's either English language or England, but I need some help. Anyone? Thanks, --Tkynerd (talk) 02:34, 9 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I didn't write it, but it's almost certainly referring to the English language. There generally isn't any actual English language translation for most games anyway, since most European and PAL region games are ported from the American language releases. Gamer Junkie T / C 08:04, 11 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the reply. An IP has already (rather rudely, in the edit summary) changed it to Engrish. I suspect that's probably correct, but I'm not sure. I'm leaving it for now, as it will no longer show up as an incoming link to English. If anyone wants to restore it to English, please pipe it, e.g.: [[English language|English]]. Thanks. --Tkynerd (talk) 23:37, 11 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Live-action intro


Just for the record, the colored FMV intro was only featured in the Windows PC version of the game. The Japanese PlayStation and Saturn versions, while uncensored, are in black and white. Jonny2x4 (talk) 19:41, 23 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The German Playstation version of the director's cut is coloured and looks quite uncut.-- (talk) 12:14, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
If it's uncut, does it show Chris Redfield smoking? I think it's after their escape from the dogs... that bit happens just after they get inside.--OsirisV (talk) 12:30, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I think so. Watched it few days ago. Edit: see -- (talk) 12:39, 29 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Is there any information floating around on the actors who played the roles in that cheesy intro?

To make this one a GA, too (RE2 and RE4 already are, RE5 and RE6 are GA ready, no one cares for RE3)


What to do:

--Niemti (talk) 10:14, 14 February 2013 (UTC)--Niemti (talk) 10:14, 14 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Also, possibly more important credits - the list[1] is very Japanese and quite confusing, but maybe someone should be added to the infobox. I've just added Tokuro Fujiwara ("General Producer") anc changed Oihi's work to design. --Niemti (talk) 10:24, 14 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Extended footage of early (PS1) Biohazard demo


I used to run a video game magazine back in the 90's and we would make VHS recordings of games when they came in for preview/review. Anyways, I've been digitizing old press media I've held onto from magazine and in with everything I found a 20 year old tape that had an hour and a half of gameplay of an early sample of the game. I've posted it up on YouTube if anyone is interested in watching it. I'm looking for the print letters from Capcom so I can pin down an approximate date for the recording which I'll add later to the description when I find it. Cheers! BcRIPster (talk) 03:43, 31 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

original present distribution


If the 2002 version had plot changes, what is the latest version of the original story? People without PS1s or back-wards compatible PS2s cannot play the original disc. Is the only way to play the first game to find the PC version?

Are any higher console versions like PS3 or PS4 offering this as purchaseable downloadable content? (talk) 01:29, 28 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

A question


The article states that the film Zombie was a "negative inspiration". Can the author elaborate on the meaning of this? Goze211 (talk) 00:42, 17 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Shinji Mikami hated the movie and thought he could direct something better.-- OsirisV (talk) 21:52, 18 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

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Cover artist:


I don't have a specific third party citation that says Bill Sienkiewicz is the cover artist for the game. Bill Sienkiewicz's website lists it as part of his work. Primary sources are fine if they're used cautiously and in moderation, they're fine. In addition, the cover is the same cover used in the free promotional comic, and that comic lists Bill Sienkiewicz as the artist for the cover. Harizotoh9 (talk) 01:01, 2 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

OK then the comic sounds like a better source because his name there was vetted by an editor or some other party. TarkusABtalk 01:14, 2 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Interestingly, the comic is a prequel starring Richard Aiken, the guy who gets bit on the snake. The comic cover depicts him. Capcom USA must have seen that, and then been impressed by it so they used it for the game cover. Also, I found out a later comic series included two short interviews with Shinji Mikami discussing RE1 and RE2.
Harizotoh9 (talk) 01:58, 2 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Great finds, I've added them to the refideas template at the top of this page. After my GA nomination of Code: Veronica passes, this will be the only main RE game that isn't a GA or FA. Hopefully one day it can get there, but it needs a tremendous amount of work. TarkusABtalk 02:09, 2 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Ideally, I'd love to see a source that discusses the promotional comic, and its cover. There's some real oddities there. For the design, it looks like several images merged into one (note the different facial expressions, at least two guns merged into one). I'm not sure if it was made specifically for the promo comic and then Capcom USA loved it to make it the cover of the game, or if the artist was hired to make a cover for both. Harizotoh9 (talk) 03:50, 2 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]



I'm fixing the following statement: "In February 1997, it was the best-selling PlayStation game up until then." There are two problems with this statement. First, the cited GamePro issue is cover dated February 1997, which means it was published around December 1996, so it can't possibly tell us anything about sales of PlayStation games into 1997. Second, as far as I can see the source says only that "Resident Evil became the top-selling PlayStation game of all time"; it doesn't say when it earned that title or how long it held it. I'm adding in a Next Generation article as an additional source, but unfortunately it doesn't indicate how long Resident Evil was the best-selling PS game either.--Martin IIIa (talk) 18:57, 11 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Resident Evil originally planned for the SNES


There's now info out there from last year that indicates that the title was originally in development for the Super Nintendo before being moved on to the PS1. Here's some notable sources: - - - Hope this info helps! KGRAMR. — Preceding unsigned comment added by KGRAMR (talkcontribs) 16:51, 20 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Added. In addition, it's interesting to note that these sources say it was a spiritual sequel while another source on this page says it was supposed to be a remake. TarkusABtalk 17:26, 20 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]



Sales numbers


We have the official numbers from Capcom, which is great, but there's some caution involved. That page only lists all the games that sold over 1 million, and it doesn't list all the games sold. Keep in mind that the page counts ports as separate releases. For RE, there's at least several versions that sold under 1 million and aren't listed. I know that there was a PC version, The Sega Saturn version, the NDS version, and PS4 HD Remastered that aren't listed. Each of those could have sold 999,999 yet not be listed.

If we say that all versions of the game has sold "8.63 million units in total", that sounds very definitive, but that is missing at several ports of the game that I now of. Harizotoh9 (talk) 03:09, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

IGN for what it's worth says the game "sold over 12 million copies." They don't explain what their criteria is, or if they include the GC Remake. Harizotoh9 (talk) 12:20, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Arklay Research Facility listed at Redirects for discussion


An editor has asked for a discussion to address the redirect Arklay Research Facility. Please participate in the redirect discussion if you wish to do so. Shhhnotsoloud (talk) 15:50, 13 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]