
following text does not pertain to this article:

"the son of John, who was summoned from his place of residence, then at Harwich, to work on the king’s ships at Portsmouth in 1543. Pett was granted a wage and fee for life (vadium et feodum)."

removing it to the Peter Pett article. also this text, which should be placed in the Richard Hoborn article.

"A quaint and intriguing description of the original layout of the Chatham dockyard is available in the will of the Chatham churchwarden, Richard Holborne, shipwright at the old dockyard. It includes a reference to his "ould house … as it is now fenced with the brewing house and garden joyning it with the belle now standing … and the wharfe in the millponde … unto the fence of James Marsh … to have ingresse, egresse, and regresse through that way unto the waterside or water gate … and … the greate Gate Westward … and the … pumpe."

According to the Chatham parish churchwarden accounts, it is clear that this cousin of Phineas Pett, named Richard "Hoborn," held the post of churchwarden from 1634 to 1643. Richard died 1654, possibly as a result of the stress caused by the Adderley Inquest at Chatham." Jekoko 23:24, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)