This page is the archive directory for Talk:Spanish language. Please read Wikipedia:How to archive a talk page before archiving the article's talk page, and remember to check if any discussion topics are still active before archiving them.

Should you have any difficulties listing the archives here, please do not hesitate to contact another user for some help, at Talk:Spanish language.

Items that contain "..." have had their titles shortened, to reduce page-stretching and cloggy lists.



Archive 01 (Aug 2002 to Mar 2005):

  1. Incorrection
  2. Loss of vosotros/vuestro in parts of South America?
  3. IPA and SAMPA usage and inconsistencies
  4. History
  5. Major changes in the 19th century?
  6. Semivowel or not?
  7. También and compadre have /n/ (arch)phoneme
  8. Inverted question marks
  9. Spanish syntax
  10. Castilian or Spanish? The situation in Spain
  11. Separate Grammar Page
  12. one of the oldest languages in the world
  13. Sound bites
  14. Oh dear
  15. Help with article
  16. MadriD
  17. Misspellings
  18. Adjectives
  19. Second person, third person, questions
  20. Castellano and Español
  21. digraphs as letters
  22. Countries that say castellano
  23. POV addition by anon
  24. Brazil
  25. Spanish word list
  26. Languages of...
  27. Northern Morocco

Archive 02 (Apr 2005 to Aug 2005):

  1. Number of speakers
  2. All of Latin America is a Spanish region??? No!
  3. second most popular language?
  4. States listing in the Infobox
  5. USA or not USA
  6. /v/ and /b/
  7. Cervantes
  8. Subdialect
  9. Use of "Hispanophone"
  10. Proposal to shrink language box
  11. Spanish translation

Archive 03 (Aug 2005 to Sep 2005):

  1. Why Peru and not USA?
  2. Belize
  3. Bad faith

Archive 04 (Sep 2005 to Dec 2005):

  1. French language
  2. Paraguay, etc
  3. Spanish in U.S.
  4. ¿Habla usted inglés?
  5. Loanwords Section
  6. The box again
  7. Pre-modern Spanish orthography
  8. Spanish as the native language of Spain in Europe
  9. Alphabet
  10. Castilian Spanish
  11. Influence of other languages on Castillian and other Spanish dialects?

Archive 05 (Dec 2005 to Feb 2006):

  1. The misleading colour of Brazil
  2. USA and the Spanish language
  3. Spanish, like English, is not...
  4. Where Spanish is spoken
  5. Equatorial Guinea should be dark green
  6. /?/ and /s/
  7. As spoken in.... (don't mention the States!)
  8. Castellano vs. Español
  9. Spoken in Israel too

Archive 06 (Mar 2006 to Feb 2007):

  1. Change the intro please
  2. Accuracy and references
  3. Soft or hard?
  4. Classification and related laguages
  5. Tutorials
  6. Spanish in northwestern Brazil ?
  7. "Ceiar" x "Cear" ...
  8. Wrong IPA transcription
  9. Importance of Spanish
  10. User:Losbeatles
  11. Paraguay on the map
  12. Classification and Related Languages ...
  13. Comparison between Spanish and Portuguese
  14. Spanish web ressource?
  15. Related languages section
  16. Countries that say castellano
  17. External links section de-bloated (again)
  18. Changed opening paragraph
  19. Puerto Rico
  20. One problem about the ...
  21. Consonant table
  22. Change of inaccurate example
  23. Comparison with Other languages ...
  24. Comparison between Spanish and ...
  25. Number of speakers
  26. Pronunciation of D
  27. Online translator for sentences
  28. Castilian
  29. New Mexico
  30. Map
  31. Archive
  32. The Caribbean and the US
  33. UN
  34. Jews and Filipinos
  35. Language box
  36. Spanish is not mainly called ...
  37. Pronunciation of "ch" in Castillian
  38. readd it
  39. Picture of the map is wrong.
  40. Spanish speakers in USA
  41. Spanish is not spoken on all continents
  42. Question about Spanish in the Philippines
  43. The intoduction is a complete mess
  44. Full protection
  45. The reason why this page is ...
  46. Change the introduction please
  47. Put the actual country names!!!
  48. Introduction
  49. Spanish is the most simple of ...
  50. Spanish is the most simple ...
  51. Spanish dictionaries
  52. To Chris Sundita, regarding Statistics ...
  53. Spoken in Latin America???
  54. Spoken in North America??
  55. Move?
  56. Is there anyway to block SqueakBox?
  57. Can we include more information about ...
  58. ndorra and Belize
  59. Infobox
  60. It is easier for Spanish ...
  61. Use of "pija" in Spain
  62. Discussion about the variations of Spanish
  63. Falkland Islands
  64. Fake vandalism claims
  65. Dispute
    1. A piece of advice
  66. Map of Hispanophone World
  67. Why is this in the intro???
  68. US bias??
  69. Why Castilian?
  70. Hispanic countries
  71. Stress
  72. Which type of Spanish ...