My name is David Storobin. I am the editor of the Global Politician. In the past, my articles have been "stolen" by people who posted them on Wikipedia. However, I do not have a problem with that so long as people cite back to the site for which I work as the editor, The Global Politician (

I would like to make the content of Global Politician to be available to Wikipedia. If you have any questions, you can actually email me via the "contact us" page on Global Politician or at

Also, please let other wikipedia editors know that I will be posting parts of articles on the Wikipedia site. Please do not delete.

All you need to do when you use copyrighted material with permission is to note that in the article's talk page. Also, you can put a notice on your own site releasing your copyrights into the public domain or under a GNU license. --Polynova 02:16, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Please note that there is already a page Transnistria. It probably would be best if a redirect was set here and contributions be posted there. Martg76 02:38, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Votes for deletion archive[edit]

Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Transnestria

Copyright problems[edit]

Moved from Wikipedia:Copyright problems

End moved text