Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma, also known as a hobnail hemangioma is a skin condition characterized by a central brown or purplish papule that is surrounded by an ecchymotic halo.[1][2]

It may appear similar to melanoma.[2]

It was first described by Santa Cruz and Aronberg in 1988.[2]

See also


  1. ^ DE, Elder; D, Massi; RA, Scolyer; R, Willemze (2018). "Soft tissue tumours: Hobnail hemangioma". WHO Classification of Skin Tumours. Vol. 11 (4th ed.). Lyon (France): World Health Organization. pp. 347–348. ISBN 978-92-832-2440-2.
  2. ^ a b c James, William D.; Elston, Dirk; Treat, James R.; Rosenbach, Misha A.; Neuhaus, Isaac (2020). "28. Dermal and subcutaneous tumors". Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology (13th ed.). Edinburgh: Elsevier. p. 594. ISBN 978-0-323-54753-6.