Propose renaming a category. The template displays the proper links and the recommended ((Cfr2)) syntax for the next step.

Please follow overall instructions.


If a single category:

ProposedTarget1 and ProposedTarget2 are the desired replacement names for the category.

If a group of similar categories or a category and its subcategories, use an umbrella nomination:

ProposedTarget1 and ProposedTarget2 are the desired replacement names for the category.
SectionName is the joint discussion section. It may be a category name, or any other unique name that reflects the nominations.

If you are unsure about the target name:

Note that where the SectionName includes the category prefix, it must specified:
  • ((subst:Cfs|Example1|Example2|Category:Bishops)) — with category prefix
  • ((subst:Cfs|Example1|Example2|Bishops and archbishops categories)) — without category