


((edit filter warning
 |action   = warn
 |friendly = yes
 |text     = You've done something unconstructive, but we don't want to bite you
((edit filter warning
 |action   = warn
 |friendly = 
 |text     = You've done something unconstructive, and we're more sure that it's not constructive
((edit filter warning
 |action   = disallow
 |friendly = yes
 |text     = You've done something unconstructive and we're stopping you, but we don't want to bite you
((edit filter warning
 |action   = disallow
 |friendly = 
 |text     = You've done something unconstructive and we're stopping you, more forcefully
((edit filter warning
 |action   = warn
 |friendly = yes
 |text     = You've done something possibly unconstructive, and we want to make it easy to report a problem with the filter
 |fplink   = yes
((edit filter warning
 |action   = disallow
 |friendly = 
 |text     = You're pushing buttons impulsively, and we don't want to give you yet another button to push.
 |fplink   = no
((edit filter warning
 |action   = deauto
 |friendly = 
 |text     = Autoconfirmed revoked
((edit filter warning
 |action   = sternwarning
 |friendly = 
 |text     = Stop this