
This template is meant to be used in conjunction with ((Tree chart)) and ((Tree chart/end)) to create various types of charts (such as family trees). See ((Tree chart))'s documentation for help on how to actually make charts.



The following example shows the use of two parameters. A summary is specified ("This is an example chart") and the whole chart's background color is set to blue. The example also shows how the chart's overall style can be overridden by more specific styles set by ((Tree chart)). In this case, the color of the first row of cells is set to yellow using the features of the ((Tree chart)) template; see that template's documentation for details on how to specify the CSS of rows and individual cells of a chart.

((Tree chart/start|style=background:blue;))
((Tree chart|border=1|boxstyle=background:yellow; | | FOO |y| BAR | |FOO=Box 1|BAR=Box 2))
((Tree chart| | |,|-|^|-|.| | ))
((Tree chart| | FOO | | BAR | |FOO=Box 3|BAR=Box 4))
((Tree chart/end))

produces this chart:

Box 1Box 2
Box 3Box 4

See also