This page informs users who use the Welcome-to-Wikipedia template of the differences to the template when they add the parameter ipuser=yes. A person would add this parameter if they were not a user and contributed to Wikipedia (and therefore left this message) as an IP user. Adding ipuser=yes changes three things in the document. 1) The part that says "I'm SomeGuy, one of the many editors here, and I hope..." is changed simply to "I'm one of the many editors here, and I hope..." 2) The part in the middle that reads "Alternatively, drop a note on my talk page or type..." is change to "Alternatively, type..." 3) The signature at the bottom that reads "SomeGuy (Leave a message)" is changed to "A fellow Wikipedian" Hopefully this page fully explained the differences to the template when using ipuser=yes. For additional questions, ask me on my user page.