Trooper Clerks is an American animated parody film produced by Studio Creations that depicts Dante Hicks and Randall Graves, the titular convenience store clerks from writer/director Kevin Smith's Clerks films, as Stormtroopers in the Star Wars media franchise, in a satire of both properties.
According to the official web site, "Trooper Clerks is a parody mixing the characters from Kevin Smith's Clerks universe with the settings and characters in George Lucas's Star Wars universe."[2]
Trooper Clerks: The Live-Action Trailer - This 1998 shot-for-shot recreation of the 1994 Clerks movie trailer was the first Trooper Clerks project produced by Studio Creations. Clerks director Kevin Smith, wrote the creators an e-mail after watching the trailer online, encouraging them to do more with the parody if they chose.[3]
Trooper Clerks: The Animated One-Shot - Part I - Being told that their jobs are in peril due to cutbacks, Stormtroopers Dante and Randal embark on a quest to steal the Death Star plans by hiring the station's Sith duo in training, Darth Jay and Darth Bob.[3] Darth Jay is portrayed as Darth Maul from Episode I, with the black stripes on his face in the shape of a cannabis leaf. Darth Bob is based on Darth Sidious, and is referred to as "SilentPalpatine".
Trooper Clerks: The Animated One-Shot - Part II - Dante and Randal continue their quest for gainful employment while Darth Jay and Darth Bob pull every trick in the book trying to snatch the plans from its ultra-secure location.[3]