

Go4ioT SAS - Go for Internet of Things - is a young, French company that specializes in the conception of connected objects based on innovative technologies such as 5G and IoT for individuals as well as small and medium sized corporate clients. The firm was founded in February 2018 in close vicinity to Bordeaux at Saint-Médard d’Eyrans.



After a long career of more than 15 years with the SAFT Groupe S.A. - the battery manufacturer that is nowadays part of the Total Group - during which Pascal Lavaure, creates Go4ioT on 09 February 2018 close to Bordeaux, the South West of France. Go4ioT’s CEO gained a 1st experience of creating and scaling a business operation within the SAFT group (from none to 10 employees and from sales of €0 to €3 million in revenue). This encouraged the learned electrical engineer to start his own company[1]. The firm has currently 4 employees and its financial structure is a simplified joint stock company structure (SAS) with a share capital of €33447.- [2].

In March 2018 the young start-up is selected and from there on accompanied by UNITEC [3], [4] to assure its continued progress and development. On 17 May 2018 the company inaugurates its head offices in 33650 Saint-Médard d’Eyrans, Gironde [5], [6]. In December 2018 Go4ioT produces its first KHIKO© IoT product prototypes. From 08 to 11 January 2019 the company presents itself and its KHIKO© solution at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, USA [7],[8], [9], [10]. This is important in order to gain the more notoriety as well as to meet French and US decision makers.[11][12]. Together with other trade events and fairs this sets of a great number of trade fairs such as ViVaTech in Paris[13], [14], [15], [16] for instance that the company participates in to meet potential, new customers. These trade fairs provide Go4ioT with visibility and contacts that should be helpful for its future development.

On 14 January 2019 the start-up is admitted into the “Village by CA” Aquitaine in Bordeaux, Gironde [17], [18], [19], [20] where it has until this present day an office as well as at the “STATION F” in the 13th arrondissement of Paris [21].

In April 2019 Go4ioT sells and invoices the first KHIKOs© products. The young firm also wins several prices. In July 2019 the "Regional Total Development prize" [22], followed by the "Michelin Development prize" in September 2019.

In January 2020 Go4ioT presents itself again at the CES in Las Vegas [23]. It is also the year that the entire Go4ioT team is confined during the period of March, April and May 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and works entirely from home practicing 100% home office.

Business Operations


Today, the company proposes two types of products and services [24]. Firstly, the firm provides professional consultancy services. Go4ioT accompanies small, medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that do not have the necessary, specific technological competencies with regards to connected, IoT objects. The company helps SMEs to deploy connected solutions so that they can take advantage of the new, technological possibilities. The firm assures also the necessary technological maintenance (preventive and predictive).[25].

Secondly, Go4ioT markets its KHIKO© anti-theft solution that detects suspicious movements[26]. The device sends real-time, crypted alerts via SMS, E-Mails, push notifications[27] and triggers phone calls to protect owners against the theft of equipment such as vintage and antique automobiles [28], camping cars and motor homes [29], yachts, motorboats and their respective motors [30], agricultural [31], building site and construction machinery [32] as well as industrial equipment. In the case that equipment is being moved during times that are outside of specific, predefined working or usage hours[33], the proactive solution sends out an alert informing the owner about the suspicious movement[2] whereabouts of his property[34].

The KHIKO© anti-theft device comes in the form of a pack that includes the KHIKO© case, a USB cable, an assembly manual and another one for commissioning the gear. The small round case (approximately 11 cm in diameter and 4.5 cm high) contains a multitude of connected technologies. One of the solution’s advantages is that it is dust, mud and waterproof in accordance to the IP67[35] and IP68 standards. Besides that, it is also very robust and shock resistant in accordance with the IK10 standard in order to protect it from potential, brute attacks, i.e. someone trying to remove the KHIKO© using physical force. Using an unbreakable fixing kit[36], the device is either screwed with an inseparable bolt-nut construct or glued in a discreet place onto the equipment that the owner intends to protect. If a thief tries to remove the device nonetheless the KHIKO© initiates immediately an alert[37].

What is furthermore noteworthy is that it is a completely independent and autonomous solution that does not depend on the OGM equipment in order to function. Contrary to conventional anti-theft solutions that are supplied via the equipment’s energy supply system and go “only” off once they leave a certain perimeter, the KHIKO© anti-theft gear sets an alert immediately off once the equipment moves[38] and works thanks to the solution’s integrated, independent lithium battery[39] that can be charged with the help of an USB cable. Charging takes approximately 8 hours and once fully charged the KHIKO© will remain fully operational for an entire year. Since the device does not require an electrical connection, its installation is very simple, too. Once the device is placed on a bodywork (roof or door for instance), it is sufficient to register the device on Go4ioT's website for it to be fully operational. Additionally, the KHIKO© solution integrates several high and low frequency communication networks such as the Sigfox antennas as well as the GPRS (2G+) and the GSM (2.75G) network [40] in order to avoid the risk of potential attacks with jammers. Thus, if the need arises a report is immediately issued and send to the police. The solutions international, cross-border geolocation[41] protocols and tracking capabilities provide it with yet an additional layer of protection. The KHIKO© easily finds the vehicle by geolocating it and accurately communicates its position to a smartphone, tablet computer, laptop or PC that is connected to the internet. This is of particular importance as stolen equipment usually crosses the border in the 24 hours that follow, so one has to be very responsive. Thus, the faster the alert is triggered, the greater the chance of finding and getting the material back. The Go4ioT’s objective is to react as quickly as possible, or even anticipate the theft, and thus reduce the time between the theft and the necessary procedures that can easily take too long in order to succeed in finding the stolen equipment[42], [43].[6]

The KHIKO© concept and the device’s manufacture are entirely French and the solution is sold without subscription[44]. The device can be bought via distributors as well as directly online on the company’s website.



Official Website and registered domains: http://www.khiko.fr/, https://www.go4iot.fr/

Documents and clippings about Go4ioT

  1. ^ https://www.sudouest.fr/2018/12/21/objets-connectes-khiko-l-antivol-bordelais-qui-reve-de-decoller-depuis-le-ces-5676355-705.php
  2. ^ https://www.infogreffe.fr/entreprise-societe/835302100-go4iot-330218B024620000.html
  3. ^ https://www.unitec.fr/en/our-companies/?search=go4iot&filiere=all
  4. ^ https://www.unitec.fr/en/overview/
  5. ^ https://www.infogreffe.fr/entreprise-societe/835302100-go4iot-330218B024620000.html
  6. ^ http://entreprises.lefigaro.fr/go4iot-33/entreprise-835302100
  7. ^ https://objectifaquitaine.latribune.fr/innovation/2019-01-16/qui-sont-les-douze-nouvelles-startups-hebergees-au-village-by-ca-aquitaine-803986.html
  8. ^ https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/economie-social/27-start-de-nouvelle-aquitaine-vont-faire-leur-show-a-las-vegas-1546447961
  9. ^ https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/nouvelle-aquitaine/vous-etes-recherche-emploi-o-boulot-vous-donne-coup-pouce-samedi-20h35-noa-1609063.html
  10. ^ https://ecomnews.fr/article/Actions-credit-agricole-aquitaine-accompagner-emploi-entrepreneurs
  11. ^ Go4ioT manages for instance to pitch the KHIKO© solution to one of the European heads of John Deer the agricultural machinery manufacturer <ref>https://objectifaquitaine.latribune.fr/innovation/2019-01-14/ces-las-vegas-la-delegation-de-nouvelle-aquitaine-fait-le-bilan-803761.html
  12. ^ https://www.cnews.fr/videos/vie-numerique/2019-01-11/ces-2019-un-boitier-antivol-pour-machines-agricoles-805117
  13. ^ https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/nouvelle-aquitaine/rhinov-grand-dressing-start-up-avenir-tres-prometteur-recherchent-nouveaux-talents-1665373.html
  14. ^ https://www.sudouest.fr/2019/04/08/numerique-voici-les-18-start-up-de-nouvelle-aquitaine-selectionnees-pour-vivatech-5969947-705.php
  15. ^ http://www.lepetiteconomiste.com/18-start-up-de-Nouvelle-Aquitaine,8705
  16. ^ https://vivatechnology.com/startups-big-list/
  17. ^ https://objectifaquitaine.latribune.fr/innovation/2019-01-16/qui-sont-les-douze-nouvelles-startups-hebergees-au-village-by-ca-aquitaine-803986.html
  18. ^ http://www.aqui.fr/economies/le-village-des-start-ups-du-credit-agricole-presente-ses-nouvelles-recrues,17891.html
  19. ^ https://www.levillagebyca.com/fr/startups
  20. ^ https://www.linkedin.com/in/le-village-by-ca-aquitaine/
  21. ^ https://www.linkedin.com/company/go4iot/
  22. ^ https://www.developpement-regional.total.fr/go4iot-laureat-des-sommets-dor-2020
  23. ^ https://www.lejournaldesentreprises.com/bordeaux/article/bordeaux-les-start-doivent-elles-aller-au-ces-de-las-vegas-en-2020-158475
  24. ^ https://www.linkedin.com/company/go4iot/
  25. ^ https://www.farm-equipment.com/articles/16572-start-ups-and-innovation-have-their-own-space-at-sima-2019
  26. ^ https://krishijagran.com/agriculture-world/sima-2019-dedicates-space-and-time-for-start-ups-and-innovation-know-what-all-you-can-see/
  27. ^ https://www.sedima.fr/upload/sedimag/files/5c98cceaceff4_sedimag_301complet.pdf
  28. ^ https://www.khikobygo4iot.com/fr/sector/7/VEHICULE%20DE%20COLLECTION
  29. ^ https://www.khikobygo4iot.com/fr/sector/9/CAMPING%20CAR
  30. ^ https://www.khikobygo4iot.com/fr/sector/5/NAUTISME
  31. ^ https://www.khikobygo4iot.com/fr/sector/1/AGRICULTURE
  32. ^ https://www.khikobygo4iot.com/fr/sector/2/BTP
  33. ^ https://www.forum-chantiers.com/machines-equipements/khiko-criera-contre-les-gredins/
  34. ^ https://objectifaquitaine.latribune.fr/business/l-actu-de-la-french-tech-bordeaux/2019-11-15/ces-las-vegas-2020-voici-la-delegation-des-startups-de-nouvelle-aquitaine-833198.html
  35. ^ https://www.entraid.com/articles/capteurs-agricoles-antivol-compteurs
  36. ^ https://www.agri-mutuel.com/actualites/un-objet-connecte-pour-se-proteger-du-vol-de-machines/
  37. ^ https://www.reussir.fr/machinisme/khiko-le-traqueur-indeboulonnable
  38. ^ https://www.batirama.com/article/27455-ces-2020-l-intelligence-artificielle-arrive.html
  39. ^ https://www.lesechos.fr/pme-regions/actualite-pme/quatre-pistes-pour-aider-les-entreprises-a-se-proteger-du-vol-962061
  40. ^ https://www.agri-mutuel.com/actualites/un-objet-connecte-pour-se-proteger-du-vol-de-machines/
  41. ^ http://www.lafranceagricole.fr/actualites/la-vie-des-start-ups-modulation-surveillance-de-lexploitation-et-antivol-1,6,3338477043.html
  42. ^ https://www.mon-viti.com/node/25966/activer
  43. ^ https://www.actuia.com/actualite/ces-las-vegas-2020-voici-les-26-entites-selectionnees-par-la-region-nouvelle-aquitaine/
  44. ^ https://www.planet-sansfil.com/3g/khiko-lantivol-connecte-pour-engin-de-chantier/