History of the Humanist Movement in the Philippines


Early Beginnings (1960's)


The Humanist Movement started in 1966 in Mendoza, Argentina as a small group of people who gathered together to find a new response to the crisis of dehumanization and violence experienced by peoples worldwide. The global crisis was felt in all areas of human activity in the personal, social, economic, political and religious fields. By 1969, this small initial group had expanded into numerous groups in Argentina and Chile and their presence began to be noticed by the military regime of Argentina then in power. In the early years, the Humanist Movement was known as "Siloism", coined from the penname "Silo" of its founder Mario Rodriguez Cobos. The military regimes of Argentina and Chile began to censor and persecute the members during its meetings, gatherings, public acts and demonstrations. On May 4, 1969, the "siloists" gathered in Punta de Vacas, Mendoza, Argentina and the speech "The Healing of Suffering" was given by Silo. This marks the foundation day for the Humanist Movement. The systematic persecution of members in Chile and Argentina propelled the expansion of the movement to other countries. These countries included those in North America and Europe (Spain, Italy) and the Asian countries of Philippines, India and China1.

Philippine Beginnings (1970-1979)


In March 1973, four Chilean movement members2 arrived in the Philippines. On September of the previous year, Martial Law had been declared and the Philippines was experiencing the violence and suppression of the Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship. The press was controlled, the leftist and opposition groups had been neutralized or gone underground, curfews were enforced and fear permeated the political and university scenario. The Chilean humanists initially made contact with the students of the University of the Philippines at Diliman.

In 1974, “soloist” books “Transcendental Meditation” and “Silo and the Liberation” (Vol. II) were printed locally.3

In 1975 the Chileans left and in the next years were followed by Argentinian members4 who continued the tasks of organizing and transmitting the studies underlying the humanist movement. The humanist movement in the following years briefly went through internal stages at different moments and was then referred to as the School. The Synthesis Institute and Center of Inner Religion were launched in order to carry forward its studies but these were later discontinued.

By 1979, there was a core group of Filipinos who took on the challenge of organizing the movement in the Philippines. In December 1980, "Silo" or Mario Rodriguez Cobos visited the Philippines for a working seminar with Filipino members held at the AIT in the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.

Humanize the Earth: The Community (Early 1980's)


The 1980’s marked the stage of public demonstrations. A worldwide campaign “Humanize the Earth” was launched in a massive public act on November 1, 1981 at Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai, India by its newly formed socio-cultural organization The Community for the Equilibrium and Development of the Human Being. This was followed by large public acts done in the major cities of North and South America, Europe and India. Speakers from various countries, among them members from India and the Philippines5, represented these public acts.

In 1982, The Community translated its materials into Pilipino and published its books6 “Ang Mga Gawain ng Komunidad” and “Ang Tanawing Panloob”.

The Community for the Equilibrium and Development of the Human Being was registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission7 on July, 1981, with nine incorporators8. Meetings and activities9 started in Orion/Guerrero Sts. in Makati, P. Tuazon at Quezon City, Petrona Apartment in Manila, Carolina’s at Quezon Blvd., rented rooms, homes and ad-hoc meeting places in schools and universities.

At this time Filipino society was gradually deteriorating under the Marcos dictatorship and the climate of apathy and suspicion surrounded its initial public activities. However, as a SEC registered organization espousing change thru non-violence, the initial obstacles placed by government officials on its public acts were gradually overcome. A flurry of public events and organizing activities marked the next three years carrying the banner “Humanize the Earth”. This was marked by numerous cultural open-air presentations10, free public concerts and festivals11, indoor socio-cultural events12, AV shows, lectures and workshops.

In 1982, student chapters of The Community were formed in the National College of Business Administration13, University of Sto. Tomas14, University of the Philippines15, Philippine Normal College16, and University of the East where a locale17 was established in the Underwood Building along Claro M. Recto, Manila along what is known as the university belt. The Community UP Chapter organized the “Humanist Week” composed of exhibits, film showing, seminars and workshops (April 30 to May 6, 1984, Diliman Campus in Quezon City). Workshops such as "Student Power for Non-Violence" were organized in schools and universities.

On May 4, 1984, the Movement in the Philippines launched a public concert called "A Day of Joy" held at the Glorietta Park in Makati. 18

There were metro-wide signature campaigns19 done to create awareness on the violence, get support and participation, and to address social issues. There were socio-cultural celebrations20, symposia21, campaigns on education22 and women’s rights.23

In the late 70’s’s and early years of the '80's, the Marcos regime was fast losing its popularity. Business investments were pulling out, the economic and political future bleak. There was an exodus of Filipinos who left the country to look for better prospects or to seek political asylum. The majority of Filipinos were getting fed up but kept their views to themselves; in general, avoiding public outcry due to adverse reaction from the repressive government. It was in this general repressed scenario that The Community launched its public acts. Denouncements were made against violence, and active non-violence was proposed as a way of action. Forums, workshops, lectures, slide presentations and film showings were held in private as well as public municipal halls.

On August 21, 1983, the assassination of Benigno Aquino, Marcos’ political opponent, created ripples in Philippine society. It broke the political stupor of the Filipinos and their discontent could not be silenced anymore.

Humanist Party (1984-1989)


In 1984, the Humanist Movement, as an international structure, simultaneously launched the Humanist Party in different parts of the world. The Humanist Party is a political party to carry forward the humanist aspirations in the political arena. In 1984, a team of Italian humanists24 came to the Philippines to help establish the Humanist Party.

On December 14, 1984, coinciding with December 10 as International Human Rights Day, the Humanist Party was launched in U.P., Diliman. In 1985, it launched national campaigns with signature campaigns25 against the Preventive Detention Action, Pasya ng Bayan (people’s vote to oust Marcos), Magkaisa! (awareness campaign against traditional political parties with the proposal for the people to organize themselves), labor and human rights. In 1985, The Humanist Party participated in labor rallies, conducted surveys and free medical and dental clinics. It organized chapters in the NCR, northern and southern Luzon, and Mindanao26. In 1987 it organized and held Humanist Party internal elections in the base council levels.

In February 7, 1986, the national Snap Elections were held by the Marcos regime to try to pacify the increasing discontent of the Filipino people. Corazon “Cory” Aquino (the widow of assassinated Benigno Aquino) ran for presidential office. Marcos’victory was declared by the Commission on Elections but the majority of Filipino people refused to accept the rigged outcome. When the call for people's support came from the Enrile-Ramos breakaway military group in Camp Crame on February 22, spontaneous groups and organizations from different political positions, conscientious citizens, Catholic organizations rushed to the gates of Camp Crame. The spontaneous mobilization of people effectively blocked the main thoroughfare of the city. Subsequently, people from the other cities and provinces joined their support. The Humanist Party was among the first groups to answer the call for people's support, its political headquarters was located at P. Tuazon Street near Camp Crame. History recalls this moment as the 1986 People Power Revolution (People Power 1 or the EDSA 1 Revolution), a non-violent phenomenon that gathered hundreds of thousands of people, finally culminating in the overthrow of the Marcos dictatorship and placing Corazon Aquino as the president.

It was during the 1986 Snap Elections that the Humanist Party first fielded independent candidates27 for Councilors of Manila and Quezon City as its first political campaign action.

When President Corazon Aquino took office, one of the priorities of the government was to abolish the 1973 Philippine Constitution(which was in force during the Martial Law under the Marcos regime) and draft a new constitution by elected representatives to the Constitutional Assembly. One of the first campaigns launched by the Humanist Party after the fall of the Marcos dictatorship was "Konsultahin Ang Tao" as a requisite before drafting a new Philippine constitution.

On December 10, 1986 the Humanist Party was launched at the steps of the Arts and Science Building of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. This launch was preceded by a metro-wide teaser campaign that consisted of posting large posters with the words DEC 10 all along the main streets and avenues. On December 14, 1986, the Humanist Party held its first National Congress at U.P. Diliman, Quezon City.

In March, 1987, the Humanist Party of the Philippines filed with the Commission on Elections for political party status and was granted28.

However, the Humanist Party was short-lived. Its members, at that time were more inclined towards socio-cultural activities rather than political expression. It experienced a loss of crucial leadership by emigration of some of its founding members to other countries; and when there was an emphasis and redirection towards structural Humanist Movement activities, the Humanist Party activities were dropped.

Humanist Movement in the 1990's


In May 2, 1988, “Unzipped” A Festival of Converging Diversity participated by various artists and musicians29 was organized at the Greenbelt Park at Makati, this time by the Humanist Movement in close coordination with the Greenbelt Organic Producers Market.30

The 1990’s ushered in a new stage, that of influencing the social and immediate environment and taking root in the community, work and school places where members belonged. The humanist movement was the banner organization and numerous study groups, weekly meetings, workshops, “encounters” of self-development, “retreats”, “personal works” were organized to qualify members and plan activities. Neighborhood Centers were established in Baclaran, Sampaloc , Pasig at the Victory Theater Building, Taytay, Makati , Mandaluyong , Muñoz-Quezon City, San Francisco del Monte-Quezon City, Teachers Village-Quezon City, Iligan City. 31 The thrust was that the principles of new humanism take root not only in the inner life (in the heart and mind) but to find its expression (in action) in the social life of family, friends, school and work.

Humanist Clubs and Action Fronts

The Green Party

From 1988 to 1993, the Humanist Movement took up the ecological banner and launched activities under the Green Party and Green Future. Concerned with environmental deterioration due to indiscriminate logging and mining in the countryside and industrial pollution, its members organized environmental awareness activities32 in the areas of Pasig, Mandaluyong, Pasay and Makati and the universities of Manila and Quezon City.

Information campaigns such as U.S.O.K. (Unite and Sign to Oppose Killer Smog) were organized in public parks and high schools, art contests were sponsored, youth "No Nukes" parties were organized.

In Pasig City, the issue of industrial pollution by Chemphil33 led to an investigative committee composed of residents34, religious35 and community organizers, and Green Party members36. With this strong alliance of various organizations, a congressional hearing was held on Chemphil at the Batasan Pambansa.

Humanist Clubs

It was that in the mid and later years of the 1990’s that neighborhood and university newsletters under the humanist movement began to proliferate. Newsletters: Tangy Na37, Voices of Taytay38, Humanist Movement Monthly39, Poblacion Neighborhood Newsletter40, Human-Net41, Naked Eye42, ZONE-Net43, ABAI44, Humanista45, Born to Write46, Humanists Writers Club47.

Humanist clubs such as Samahan ng Makataong Kabataan48 (SMK), UP Student Humanist Movement49 (UPHSM), Taytay Humanists50, ABAI51, Baclaran Humanist Club52 were formed. Action fronts such as World Without Wars and ZONE were formed.

Also it was also in these years that books of the humanist movement were published internationally and began to circulate. 53 Also activities of The Community for Human Development was developed thru self-development workshops given to NGOs and social work groups. 54

In May 4, 1997 the humanist movement publicly celebrated its founding date at the Quezon Memorial Circle at Quezon City. 55

ZONE: Convergence of Gay Humanists and Friends

In 1996, gay humanists participated in the Gay Pride Parade - Solidarity ’96: The Lesbian and Gay Pride March. 56 It was a significant stage for the humanist members to come out into the open and fight gender discrimination. They demanded no special rights but equal rights as human beings. The humanist movement members participated carrying the banner of ZONE: Convergence of Gay Humanists and Friends. They also organized workshops for personal work, seminars on gay rights.

The next year ZONE together with the Kilusan ng Kasamang Minorya ng Pilipinas Inc. (KAMPI) and strongly supported by the Imelda Arcilla Papin Foundation, organized the The First Philippine Gay Olympics: Unity in Diversity.57

On March 17, 1997, active members of the Humanist Movement in the Philippines formalized the action front ZONE Convergence of Gay Humanists and Friends with the Securities and Exchange Commission58. They were invited to talk shows to give their position on gays in the military. 59

On March 21-22, 1998, the Coalition of Humanist Gays and Lesbians for Elections ’9860 held a two-day forum for presidential candidates called “Elections ’98: Gay Empowerment Year 2000” at theU.P. Film Center Cinematheque, Diliman. Presidentiables were invited to talk on their political agenda for gays and lesbians and after the forum mock presidential elections were held. This activity attracted wide media interest.

In 1999, ZONE joined the Task Force Pride61 in charge with organizing the Manila Gay Pride March ’99: 1999 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride March.

Among its varied activities ZONE continues to study and research on gay issues and release position papers. Among these are the issues on the prohibition on sexual transplant, gay marriages, military service, charter change. It continues networking activities with other organizations as well as media development.

Kapisanan ng Tao Bilang Sentro

The Kapisanan ng Tao Bilang Sentro took root in Payatas, Quezon City. 62


World Without Wars

In the 1996 the organization World Without Wars or Violence was organized worldwide and locally. It started with a global project petitioning for a one-week ceasefire in Year 2000, to demonstrate the feasibility of worldwide peace. The Foundation for World Without Wars was SEC-registered and signature campaigns were launched in San Sebastian College, University of the Philippines, Greenbelt Mall and other areas in Metro-Manila. 63

The Community for Human Development

There was no significant activity of The Community during these years. Activities had shifted to action fronts , initiatives and activities of the Humanist Movement. The Community lay dormant.

Start of the Millenium (2000’s -)


With the start of the millenium a new mission arrived in the Philippines to open up new structural lines of the movement. 64

Ang Komunidad Para Sa Ikauunlad ng Tao


In July, 2005, The Community was registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as Ang Komunidad para sa Ikauunlad ng Tao. 65 From 2005 to 2006, workshops on nonviolence, forums, and painting activities involved the students of Manggahan66, Kapitolyo67, Sagad68, Pinagbuhatan69, Eusebio70 and Rizal HS71, public secondary level schools in Pasig City as well as the tertiary Rizal Technological University, Pasig Campus. 72

In 2007, a joint activity was launched by the different councils 73 - “Edukasyong Walang Karahasan”, 74 (Forum for Active Nonviolence In Education) where teachers, students and school administrators attended coming from NCR area.

The same year the United Nations declared October 2 as International Day of Nonviolence. To commemorate this day Ang Komunidad launched “Week of Peace and Nonviolence”. 75 Public secondary schools of Pasig and San Juan, the local government university Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig and the local Pasig Art Club jointly participated. This was part of the simultaneous global campaign celebrating the International Day of Nonviolence thru simultaneous formation of Human Peace Signs by peoples in more than 50 countries.

This event was followed in 2008 with “5K Run for Peace and Unity” 76, “Celebration for Peace and Non-Violence” 77, and World Without Wars Forum. 78

International Participation

Asia-Pacific Humanist Forum


Humanist Forum, Milan


The Message



World Without Wars and Violence

World March for Peace and Non-Violence

In 2009, the Humanist Movement launched an international campaign called the World March for Peace and Nonviolence82, initiated by Mundo Sin Guerras. It was a tremendous plan for a march to circle the earth proposing the end of wars and nuclear disarmament. The World March international base team83, started in New Zealand on Oct, 2, 2009 and passed the Philippines on Oct. 5-7, 2009, to culminate after passing more than 100 countries in Punta de Vacas, Argentina.

Numerous activities were done by World Without Wars Philippines and Ang Komunidad, and the Kapisanan ng Tao Bilang Sentro to promote the World March, ranging from presentations in universities and conferences84, direct promotion team formation in schools85, networking with peace, inter-faith, arts and culture and ecological non-government organizations86, religious institutions87, educational instituions88, government offices89 and agencies. 90

Activities included public marches91, presentations in conferences92, signature campaigns on nuclear disarmament93, the Hiroshima Memorial Dinner94 with foreign consuls, ambassadors, educators, media; and press conference at Batasan Pambansa. 95

Coordinated by the World Without Wars Philippines, activities were hyped during their passage to the Philippines on Oct 5-7, 2009. Events included wreath-laying at the Rizal Monument at Luneta96, cultural welcome at the Rizal Technological University97, parade and march from Manila Bay area to the San Andres Sports Complex98 with a cultural program , visit to the Batasan Pambansa99, Lucena City 100 march and formation of a huge human peace sign by 10,000 students, visit to the Taguig University101, support of the unveiling of the Zero Violence Billboard102 at Isabella City, Basilan.

The World March marked a new stage, ending the decade of localized action and introduced new dynamics and ways of work that could be carried forward to the next decade. Networking and linkages, both local and international, were developed. Also, the use of media to spread the global consciousness for peace was a significant development.

With the World March, the call for a new world was launched and was taken up by millions of people from different latitudes and cultures. Time will tell if this signal was strong enough to resonate to the future in the coming decade.

The Next Decade (2010- )

The Five Organizations

In January, 2010, the Humanist Movement met briefly in Argentina and officially de-structured itself. Existing internal councils functioning within the humanist movement were dissolved, allowing the independent development of the five organizations: The Community for Human Development, Convergence of Cultures, Center of Humanist Studies, Humanist Party and World Without Wars.

Launching of Philippine Park – Disciplines

The year 2010 for the Philippines marks also the start of the building of COS (Center of …) or Parks, where people with different religious and non-religious beliefs can go to renew their commitment to peace and non-violence and get in touch with their own deep spirituality which marks the essence of the truly human.

The Future


With the end of the first decade of the millenium, Philippine history is still unfolding. Nothing remains static. We find ourselves in a vast Philippine landscape without geographical or social boundaries. The matrix of Filipino interaction and concerns can lead the Humanist Movement in the Philippines to many localities: from human spirituality, the recognition of the “sacred” in human being, from child rights to education to senior welfare, from the economic issues brought about by the liberalization schemes to the plight of overseas working Filipinos, to education, artist's rights, interfaith, health benefits, poverty, indigenous minorities, local and regional peace. We continue to define what it means to be a Filipino, what it is to humanize the Philippines…and the earth.

1 Hong Kong, then a Bristish protectorate but part of China.

2 Pia Figueroa, Maria, Andres Burgos, Julian Burgos.

3 Kui-Feng Publishers, Dodo Cu Unying.

4 Martha and Marcos Pampillon, Norma and Puchi Pelligrini, Fernando Garcia, Tito de Casas.

5 Ishak Binudin of Zamboanga officially represented Asia as part of the international panel of speakers for the public acts in the different countries.

6 An ad-hoc publication team called PROCOM was formed. The books were translated to Pilipino by Nestor Cabling and the publishing team included Silvestre Tapales, Boy Sevilla, Saturnino Filipino.

7 SEC, Philippine regulatory body for organizations, associations and business enterprises.

8 The nine incorporators of The Community (1981): Ishak Binudin, Osbert Santillan, Melinda Gutierrez, Willa Tecson, Homer Gutierrez, Karina Lagdameo, Silvestre Tapales, Alice Inzon, and Evaine Alleria.

9 University of Sto. Tomas (Rolly dela Cruz, Gemma Burgos, Mabel Garcia); Philippine Normal College (Peter Nepomuceno, Arturo Guillen, Manny Raymundo, Efren Abria, Ramon Moreno, Jojo Cariňo); Veterans Village (Eloisa Bustamante);Vinzons, UP Diliman (Louie Agnir); Bohol Ave. Quezon City (Joy Alberto), Makati (Tess Laserna, Chito Salazar, Karina Lagdameo, Osbert Santillan, Alice Inzon, Kim Tengco).

10 Hugo Park in Sta. Ana, Manila (Nov. 28, 1981); Liwasang Balagtas in Pandacan, Manila (Dec. 12, 1981); Paco Park in Malate, Manila (May 7, 1981); Ugarte Field in Makati (Oct. 19, 1984); other areas from 1981 to 1982: Philtrade, Philcite, Fort Bonifacio Tenement Housing in Taguig.

11 ”Concert to Humanize the Earth” (June 12, 1982, Baguio City); “A Day of Joy” (May 4, 1984 in Glorietta, Makati); “Artists’ Festival for Non-Violence” (Aug. 18, 1984, in Greenbelt Park, Makati); “Konsyerto Laban Sa Karahasan” (date???, place???); “Let’s Build Peace” (March 18, 1984, Paco Park, Manila).

12 ”Metropolis Celebration” (March 26, 1983 in Ali Mall, Quezon City); “A Night of Dancing” ((July 15, 1982 in La Cueva, Greenbelt, Makati). “Festival para sa Kapwa” (Dec. 18, 1983, Quezon Blvd., Quezon City), “Force Fest” (March 17, 1983, Benitez Memorial Center, U.P. Diliman).

13 NCBA in Quezon City, spearheaded by Jose V. Narvades, students Rebecca de Paz (President),Gabriel de la Vega, Madeline Villalobos, Samuel Fugrad, Mency Ramo, Jeremias Ilao, Lolita Lim, Dennis B. Cerdeňa, Manuel Villanueva, Marites Vitalicio with active support of Carmelita Lim.

14 UST in Manila, organized by Rai Delacruz, Leo Deux Fils Delacruz and Edwina Olga T. Cruz.

15 UP in Diliman, Quezon City; Steering Committee: Ishak R. Binudin, Jacob Glenn F. Jansalin, Gregorio P. Concepcion, Manolito E. Salvidar; Secretariats: Atty. Roberto G. Cruz (Legal Affairs), Rowena M. Ulayan and Julmunir I. Jannaral (Cultural Affairs), Said M. Alih and Marilu M. Balano (Social Affairs), Dr. Eliodor M. Abad and Lorelei P. Alano (Public Relations), Zaydah A. Tiburon (Club of the Community).

16 PNC, now known as Philippine Normal University (PNU) in Manila; organized by Manuel Raymundo, Peter Nepomuceno, Arturo Guillen, Efren Abria, Ramon Moreno, Jojo Cariňo, Rowena C. Juaneza, Alfonso Gaddi, Esperenza San Diego, Rizaline Dasal, Trinidad Dacquioag, Marietta de Guzman, Estrella Gutierrez, Cleotilda Perigrino, with support of WillaTecson, Kim Tengco.

17 Initiated by Ishak Binudin, Uro dela Cruz, Carmen Cabling, Florencio A. Hubo, Jaime Rico Jr., Lou Arle Imperio, Agnes Losaria, Marissa Banto, Shirley Estavillo, Labrador Guiala, Consolacion Jaravata.

18 Day of Joy:

19 ”Lagda Laban Sa Karahasan” (in favor of active non-violence), “1000 Friends for Peace”, “Lagda ng Bayan” (signature campaign to abolish the penalties attached to the right of suffrage).

20 ”Active Non-Violence Week” (Aug. 15 to 21, 1984, Ayala Museum, Makati).

21 ”Sympo Laban Sa Karahasan” (Oct. 11, 1984, Ayala Museum, Makati)

22 ”Education Is Not A Business” (against capitation fees and donations practiced in schools).

23 ”Women’s Rights in the Philippines” (June 21-22, 1984 in Ayala Museum, Makati)

24 Agostino Lotti, Claudio Miconi, Tomas Smidth, later Luciano Lagatola, Luis Milani.

25 "Signature Campaign Laban Sa PDA” (Preventive Detention Action)", "Makataong Pagsahod Sa Manggagawang Filipino", “Batas ng Pananagutang Pampulitika”.

26 In the NCR, HP chapters were organized in Sta. Cruz, Manila (Patricio David), Manila Council (Scotty Estrera, Cora Cabueňos, Richard Jacinto, Tess Tapang, Babes Leyretana, Sarita de Guzman), U.P. Diliman (Eloisa Bustamante), Makati (Rodelio Macando, Pedro Dadula), Novaliches (Carmen Cabling in Bagbag, Jojo Pascual in Ibayo, Rodolfo Buendia in Urbano, Avon Ped in Parochia). In other areas: Region 4 (Francisco Clemente), Iligan City (Raphia Maglinao, Arturo Ballestra, Letty Morales, Esmar), Zamboanga City (Anita Tagadiad), Zamboanga del Sur (Gervasio Rana).

27 Emma Ortega (Quezon City), Saturnino Filipino (Manila).

28 Ishak Binudin (General Secretary), Godofredo Gutierrez (Sec. of Political Action), Saturnino Filipino (Administrative Secretary), Silvestre Tapales (Sec. of Mass Media), Gemma Suzara (Sec. of Finance), Belen Garcia (Sec, of Public Relations), Rai Delacruz (Sec. of Organization), Florencio Hubo (Sec. of Labor), Willa Tecson (Sec. for Legal Affairs), Carmen Cabling (Sec. of Social Action), and Emma Ortega (Sec. for Women).

29 Artists and bands were Grace Nono, Sampaguita, Dodo Crisol, Pinikpikan, Fatal Posporos, Glue, Purple Grass, Cany Audioline, and others.

30 Greenbelt Organic Producers Market (Mara Pardo de Tavera), Humanist organizers: Gemma Suzara, Karina Lagdameo Santillan, Osbert Santillan, Ishak Binudin, Florencio Hubo,Willa Tecson.

31 Baclaran (Ipe Perez), Sampaloc (Derek Constantino), Taytay (JV Villanueva, Aga Francisco, Dan), Makati (Ishak Binudin, Catherine Binudin, Liza Nakpil, Karina Santillan, Gemma Suzara, Ana, Paul, Willa Tecson), Mandaluyong (Osberto Santillan), Muñoz-Quezon City (Fortune Bucud), Teachers Village (Carlo Maglinao, Carla Cantara), San Francisco del Monte-Quezon City (Carmen Cabling, Florencio Hubo), UP (Jun Custodio,Bogs, Bart Rodriguez), Iligan City (Raphia Maglinao).

32 Games and picnic (July 24, 1988, Parks and Wildlife, Quezon City);

33 Chemphil was a chemical plant located in Kalawaan, Pasig and the subject of complaint by residents due to its heavy air emissions and chemical waste dumping in the Pasig river.

34 Wilson

35 Avenida Mayor, Edith Abalajin

36 Jess Lachica, Jun Tangco, Jojo Navarro, Roderick, Willa Tecson.

37 Tangy Na

38 Voices of Taytay

39 Humanist Movement Monthly

40 Poblacion Neighborhood Newsletter

41 Human-net, Pasig neighborhood news and water issues, 1996.

42 Naked Eye

43 Zone-Net


45 Humanista

46 Born to Write: Catherine L’homme Binudin, a cyberspace writer’s club with members from various parts of the world linked thru internet, explored human subjectivity and its potential in literary expression towards the vision of new humanism; 1996.

47 Humanists Writers Club: spearheaded by Carmen Cabling, group of scriptwriters, screenwriters and romance writers. Tapped the Writer’s Cooperative, personal works meetings, seminars on images; 1996.

48 SMK

49 UPHS organized the public event UNZIPPED – a festival of converging diversity, a gathering of musicians, environmentalists, poets, film-makers, artists and social activists; May 2, 1998, UP Lagoon, UP Diliman, Quezon City. Commemorated the 29th year of the humanist movement.

50 Taytay Humanists


< sup>52 Baclaran: Ipe Perez. < sup>53 Letters to My Friends by Silo, Tales for the Heart and Mind by Silo, Self-Liberation by Luis Amman, Historical Interpretations of Humanism by Salvatore Puleda, Humanize the Earth (Trilogy: The Inner Look, The Inner Landscape, The Human Landscape0 by Silo, Contributions to Thought by Silo; 1996, Latitude Press.

< sup>54 Series of workshops to Streetchildren Development Center community workers. < sup>55 May 4, 1997 < sup>56 Gay Pride Parade ’96: held June 22, 1996; in Remedios, Malate, Manila. 57 The First PhilippineGay Olympics: Unity in Diversity; Feb. 1-2, 1997, Amoranto Sports Complex, Quezon City. Supported by the Imelda Arcilla Papin Foundation (Imelda A. Papin, President). Organizations that participated: Edgar Allan Tolosa (Pro-Gay Philippines), Ana Lea Sarabia (Women’s Media Circle Foundation Inc.), Mikee Fernandez (Gay Forum), Malou Marin (Can’t Live in the Closet or CLIC), Edgar Mendoza (M.C.C.), Serge/Jomar/Cris (Reachout Philippines), Giney Villar and Aida santos (WEDPRO/WSWC), Florencio A. Hubo and Jimmy T. Rico (ZONE), Adelfa Figuracion (KAMPI). Sports events: basketball, volleyball, table tennis, swimming, track and field, relay. Steering Committee: Imelda A. Papin (Chairman), Jessie Engson (Vice-Chairman), Florencio Hubo (Secretary), Edmongino Camacho (Associate Secretary), Adelfa Figuracion (Business Manager), Fely Antonio (Treasurer), Noli Estrada and Jessie Engson (Auditors), Jimmy T. Rico (Spokesperson). There was a Parade of Floats to launch the Gay Olympics on Jan. 31, 1997, starting from Luneta Grandstand to the Amoranto Sports Complex. Notables who guested the event were: Congressman Rey Calalay of Quezon City, Comm. Josefino Bauzon, Councilor Jay Justo Justo of Pasay and Senator Leticia Ramos Shahani. 58 ZONE incorporators: Florencio A. Hubo, Jimmy T. Rico Jr., Edmongino J. Rico Jr., Joel N. Gomez, Edgardo C. Cruz, Ronald Allan L. Revilla, Karina L. Santillan.

< sup>59 Tapatan talk show, GMA 7, April 29, 1997. 60 Coalition of Humanists Gays and Lesbians for Elections ’98 was composed of five organizations: ZONE, KAMPI Inc, U.P. Jodera Club, Gay Forum and Humanist Forum. The secretariat: Dr. Adelfa C. Figuracion (Chairman, KAMPI Inc.), Florencio A. Hubo (Vice-Chairman, ZONE), Willa Isabella B. Tecson (Secretary, Humanist Forum), Rosemarie M. dela Merced (Treasurer, KAMPI Inc.), Michael C. Fernandez (Auditor, Gay Forum), Jimmy T. Rico, PdD, Public Relations, ZONE), Portia L. Ilagan (EXECOM Executive Director, KAMPI Inc.); Secretariat: Rosalinda C. Landrito (KAMPI Inc.), Kay C. Hannigs (KAMPI Inc.), Nestor D. de Guzman (ZONE), Michael Arcagua (Gay Forum), Clemente Dionisio (Gay Forum), Molly dela Merced (KAMPI Inc.), Carlo B. Maglinao (Humanist Forum).

61 June 26, 1999, Manila.Task Force Pride: composed of organizations The Library Foundation (Ferdie Buenviaje, Joel de Mesa), UP Babaylan (Levi Elipane, Aristotle Atienza), Lagablab, ZONE (Florencio Hubo, Marc S. Reyes, Jimmy T. Rico Jr.), Can’t Live in the Closet (Natty G. Manauat, Malu S. Marin), St. Aelred Monastery (Fr. Richard R. Mickley, OSA; Ronnie Salgado Jr., Nicky Legaspi), Center for the Study of Spirituality and Sexuality, ManilaOUT (Tristan Salgado, John Santos), Women Supporting Women Center (Dulce F. Natividad, Giney Villar), Katlo (Danton Remoto), Pro Gay, CSSS, Metropolitan Community Church (Joey Ventayan), IGAYMOVE (Joshua Formentera, Joseph Padilla Jr.), ReachOUT (Tammy Tan, Ronnie Marfori), Coalition Against Trafficking of Women (Jean Enriquez), Lito de la Cruz, Telly Paradela, Joaquin Hernandez.

62 Kapisanan Bilang Sentro ng Tao

63 World Without Wars and Violence

64 Arrival of Italian mission

65 Ang Komunidad para sa Ikauunlad ng Tao, incorporators:

66 Manggahan High School

67 Kapitolyo High School

68 Sagad HS

69 Pinagbuhatan HS

70 Eusebio HS

71 Rizal HS

72 Rizal Technological University, Pasig Campus

73 Councils:

74 Edukasyong Walang Karahasan: Feb. 17, 2007; Commonwealth High School, Quezon City.

75 “Week of Non-Violence”: Sept.25-Oct.2, 2007, Pasig City Museum,PLP.

76 “5K for Peace and Unity”

77 “Celebration for Peace and Non-Violence”

78 “World Without Wars Forum”

79 Asia Pacific Humanist Forum

80 Humanist Forum, Milan

81 The Message

82 World March for Peace and Non-Violence

83 International base team members:

84 Presentations in universities and conferences:

85 Promotion teams:

86 NGOs:

87 Religious institutions:

88 Educational institutions:

89 Government offices:

90 Government agencies:

91 Public marches:

92 Presentation in conferences:

93 Signature campaign:

94 Hiroshima Memorial

95 Media press conference

96 Wreath-laying: coordinated with the Mayor’s Office of Manila (Gemma Cruz Araneta, Mayor Alfredo Lim)

97 Cultural welcome at the Rizal Technological University, Boni Ave., Mandaluyong thru the Office of the Vice-President for Student Services headed by Dr. Marilou Asturias, with the help of the Office of Cultural Affairs, Professor Reydora F. Flordeliza.

98 San Andres Sports Complex:

99 Courtesy visit to Batasan Pambansa

100 Lucena City, Quezon Province:

101 Taguig University

102 Zero Violence Billboard campaign, headed by PINK, supported by CB 101, World Without Wars and Violence, Ang Komunidad.