R.I.P. Proof of D12.

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You know, I've noticed some people have "Against Gun Control" badges on their pages. Ain't that sweet? These are mostly the same bright people who are against abortion, for religion, and against homosexuality. As George Carlin puts it, "these crypto-Fascists, they're against homosexuality, they're against pornography, they're against sex education, they're against abortion... This is a country where tobacco kills 400,000 people a year- so they ban artificial sweeteners! Because a rat died! This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards, but not a list of criminals and maniacs! And now they're thinking about banning toys guns, and they're going to keep the fucking real ones! It's the old American double standard, you know say one thing.. do something different."

So yeah, anyway, these are pretty much the same yuppie Christians who are against all that, but they're all for The Right To Life™. Well, I just thought I'd put up a quote from a television series which I find amusingly truthful.

"Well, of all the causes to take up, AIDS, cancer... hunger, poverty. I've always felt there was something special about people who commit themselves to guns. Anyone I suppose could contribute to a shelter or help the needy, but it takes a true American to dedicate himself to firearms. And you know what? We need people like you. Our country's getting a bad rep just because we kill each other. Well, that's manly... shooting people. United States, this is were men live. Australia, all their stupid bragging about how tough they are in the outback. They get about... 15 gun homicides a year. What the hell is that? We get ten thousand. The Japanese are even more pathetic. In 1999 for kids between 15 and 19 they didn't have one handgun murder, not one! We had over five thousand! Our teenagers are tough, but it can't happen unless we get the guns out there into their hands and for that we need committed, good people like all of you. Look at these idiots in Washington who think it's wrong for teenagers to have assault rifles. And the stupid Democrats think we should have ten day waiting periods. What happens if you need to kill somebody today? Next thing the government will try to crack down on incest and we won't be able to breed future NRA members. I mean, we are talking about the toothless illiterates that makes this country great. This is America. Get a gun!"

List Of Movies... so I don't forget

Good Will Hunting

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back


Star Wars

Cool Hand Luke

The Boondock Saints
