100 wikidays


Attempt 2: The GLAM Global Tour

Day # Date Cluster Article Title Wikidata Favourite Museum Object Favourite Country picture Country Museum article status
1 23-Feb Cradle of Humanity Ethnological Museum, Addis Ababa


Lion of Judah (symbol of Ethiopian monarchy)
Lion of Judah, a symbol of Ethiopian monarchy

List of museums in Ethiopia: 5
Commons category has 12
Museums with articles (3 / 5)
Articles with infobox (? / 3)
Articles with commons cat (? / 3)
Added 1 museums

2 24-Feb Middle East Currency Museum, Muscat


Dhow fleets powered thalassocractic Omani Empire upto Zanzibar
Gulf Rupee released by India in 1957 for the British protector states Oman
Dhow fleets powered thalassocractic Omani Empire upto Zanzibar
Dhow naval fleets powered thalassocractic Omani Empire upto Zanzibar

List of museums in Oman: 11
Commons category has 5
Museums with articles (11 / 11)
Articles with infobox (? / 11)
Articles with commons cat (5 / 11)

Added 0 museums

3 25-Feb Africa (Northern) Muso Kunda Museum of Women


Great Mosque of Djenné.
Great Mosque of Djenné

List of museums in Mali: 6
Commons category has 2
Museums with articles (2 / 6)
Articles with infobox (? / 2)
Articles with commons cat (? / 2)

Added 0 museums

4 26-Feb Africa (Southern) Princess Salme Museum, Zanzibar



Book by Princess Salme
Book by Princess Salme.
Great Mosque of Djenné.
Matemwe beach in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Pure bliss with nature.

List of museums in Tanzania: 20
Commons category has 6
Museums with articles (6 / 20)
Articles with infobox (? / 6)
Articles with commons cat (? / 6)

Added 8 museums