Manoj Kana


Manoj Kana ( Born in 1973 ) is an Indian Film maker , screen writer and actor who works in Malayalam cinema. He is also a social activist and Theater Artist. He is famous for his way of film making, especially his different approach in producing the film. His First film chayilayam ( 2012 ) was made by a cultural society Named Neru cultural society..Chayilyam was selected for International Film Festival of Kerala and Indian Panorama Section at the Chennai Inter National Film Festival, the world competitive section at the Delhi International Festival and the Indian competitive section at Bangalore.



He has directed 4 feature films namely Chayilyam, Amoeba, Kenjira and Khedda

Chayilyam (2012)


The story is about the plight of a hapless widow, who is denied the freedom to lead a normal life by the society. The film was produced with contributions from more than 2,000 individuals.This film received a positive response at film festivals.


at International film festival, Kerala (2012)

Amoeba (2016)


Amoeba is a movie based on a real-life tragedy that happened in the hilly regions of Kasaragod district in Kerala. From 1978 to 2000, the pesticide Endosulfan was used on cashew plantations owned by the government, without any safety measures. This poison contaminated water bodies, wells and caused the deaths of many animals, including birds and snakes. People who were exposed to the pesticide suffered from various diseases, and women gave birth to deformed children. It took a while for people to understand the cause of the disaster. Eventually, they found out that the pesticide was responsible and started protesting. In 2000, the use of endosulfan was banned, and the whole world became aware of this tragedy. In 2011, the Stockholm Convention banned endosulfan globally. Despite the ban, many people in the hilly areas of Kasaragod district still suffer as victims of endosulfan. Amoeba is a movie that tells the story of this tragedy. Awards

Kenjira ( 2019)


Kenjira is a movie about a nine year old girl who represents the tribal community called the Paniya community. Paniya community is of the tribal communities living in kerala, India. Kenjira reveals the vulnerable living condition of the Ppaniya community through some incidents which have been witnessed by the director himself. The central character , a 9 year old girl anonymously becomes pregnant. Through a series of poignant incidents that the director has experienced firsthand, Kenjira offers a sobering glimpse into the vulnerable living conditions of the Paniya community. Awards:

Khedda (2022)


Khedda, the Trap is a family entertainer. The movie reveals the consequences behind the irresponsible usage of smartphone in a nuclear family, which includes father mother and daughter. Actor Sudheer Karamana plays the role of the father, Actress Asha Sarath plays the role of the mother and Uthara sarath, daughter of Asha sharath, plays the role of the daughter.