Aphra Behn Society

The editors of ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830 with Karen Gevirtz, President of the Aphra Behn Society, will host a five-hour edit-a-thon as a pre-conference event. On the day of the event, we will meet in the hotel (room TBA), and provide wifi accommodation, on-site support, and introductions to Wikipedia editing for volunteers who want to participate. We will also be live tweeting the event to our ABO followers to promote awareness of 1) Wikipedia feminist activism, 2) ABO, and 3) women in the arts 1640-1830. We will create a community of the participants from the event to encourage the ongoing use of Wikipedia and Wikipedia editing in the classroom. A panel/workshop on using Wikipedia and Wikipedia editing in the classroom is scheduled for later in the conference.

This event is supported by an grant from the Wikipedia Inspire Campaign to increase the representation of women and women editors on Wikipedia.

List of articles to be edited or created

Please add your suggestions for articles that need to be edited or developed.

Aphra Behn

Eliza Haywood


Add your name to this list if you can make it to our meeting. Online participants as well as local are encouraged!

Please extend this invitation to all folks interested in Early Modern Women.

May be attending

Please add your name if you are interested in attending.

Virtual attending

Please add your name if you plan to participate online.