I don't like how I was taught eigendecomposition and SVD; it never made sense. Here's a stab at how I would do it...

Motivation: Linear algebra is useful for a startling number of applications...

[Describe the rules of matrix multiplication.]

Diagonal matrices

A diagonal matrix is one that has all its non-zero entries on the diagonal. That is,


This has a very practical meaning: It scales things only in axial directions. This is a little like the ellipse-select tool in Photoshop: you can make it wider (x) or taller (y) but you can't make it long and skinny along a diagonal. That is intuitively what it means for a matrix to be diagonal.

Rotation matrices

A rotation matrix is one that rotates vectors about the origin without scaling them. These matrices have a number of interesting properties:

  1. The columns are all orthogonal.
  2. The columns all have norm 1.
  3. .
  4. The rows are all orthogonal.
  5. The rows all have norm 1.

If a matrix rigidly rotates things, then for all orthogonal pairs of vectors, u, and v, they should still be orthogonal after rotation. That is: Suppose R has two non-orthogonal columns, column i and j. Then let u be all zeros except for the ith entry is 1 and v all zeros except the jth entry is 1. Clearly . Now Ru and Rv are just the ith and jth columns of R respectively, so by contradiction, if the columns were not orthogonal, we could always find orthogonal pairs of vectors that weren't rigidly rotated by R.

For 2, if a matrix doesn't scale vectors, only redirects them, then

Suppose c is the ith column of R and has norm not equal to 1. Then let u be the same vector, all zeros except the ith element is 1. Clearly . But then

and so .

So by contradiction, all columns must have norm 1.

Three is interesting: The transpose is the inverse. Consider again u being all zeros except for a 1 in the ith entry. Then Ru=c is the ith column of R. What should look like? Well, to get ,the ith row of will have to dot with c to get 1. The only vector that will do that is c (which, as we established, has a norm of 1). All of the other rows must be orthogonal to c, and this has to hold for all i. Clearly has the property that the ith row equals the ith column of R. Similarly the other rows of are the other columns of R so we know they are orthogonal!

Four and five follow from one through three: if the transpose is a rotation matrix, then any column properties apply to the rows too.

Symmetric matrices

Symmetric matrices are matrices for which . These are extraordinarily common in science and engineering and have lots of nice properties. But aside from an array of numbers on a page, what does that mean?

Symmetric positive (semi-)definite matrices

Let's start with positive semi-definite matrices. These are those symmetric matrices that also have the following obtuse property:


What this really means is that M describes an oriented ellipsoid. Why isn't obvious.

Suppose there's a matrix, A, that scales and possibly turns or squashes v. Given a v, we could ask how much A changes its length. That is, if v is a unit vector, what is ? Well, it's just
