Note: Do not add any users here. This is a page of my reflections only. Also, I apologize if you are offended at being mentioned here.


In the midst of the dark forest of unfree knowledge, I see the light of open source which comes from Wikipedia. However, the way is dark and blocked, and I am fortunately rescued by, who guides me through my journey of Wiki-hell and Wiki-purgatory. We enter the gates of hell: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."


After exiting the center of hell, we head to the mountain of Purgatory. Here, there are terraces for those who were contributive but must be purged of their wiki-sins. However, unlike in hell, there is an atmosphere in hope because those purged know that they are destined to enter wiki-heaven.

After seeing the five terraces of Wiki-purgatory, I am led through wikiheaven by Clio the Muse. I bid goodbye to my IP friend as we float upwards to the planets and stars.


Led by Wikipe-tan, we float to the spheres which rotate the Earth.