I began editing and writing for Wikipedia in February 2020. I am a professional historian with much research experience with primary and secondary sources. I aim to produce and cite the most accurate information possible, although, like everyone else, I have been known to make the occasional mistake. I am eager to fix any such anomalies that may occur!

My primary interest is in the Ziegfeld Follies and early twentieth-century dance, music, and theater in general, primarily concerning women performers. I am helping to expand Wikipedia's coverage of that area to make more (and more accurate) information about that era of entertainment available to anyone interested. I also am known to enhance existing articles about various dance, music, and theatrical personalities and subjects.

To date, my area of focus is on the pre-1928 Ziegfeld Follies, both performers and related topics.

Articles I have created

Articles for which I have made significant edits and additons

Frequently used categories

User:Bixly777 A work in progress

Opportunities to improve WP

Tips of the Day

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Linking to a section of an article

Sometimes it is preferable to refer to a section of a page when linking, rather than to the whole page. You can create a link to any subheading on any page in Wikipedia by including a # followed by the subheading at the end of a link.

For example: Wikipedia:Community portal#Help out.

In all section links, be sure to use a piped link for readability.

Using a piped link, the previous example looks like this: Help out.

If a section title changes, rather than going red/inactive, the link will lead to the top of the linked page.

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