Invasive Species in the United States outline




Invasive species are a significant threat to many native habitats and species of the United States and a significant cost to agriculture, forestry, and recreation. The term "invasive species" can refer to introduced or naturalized species, feral species, or introduced diseases. Some species, such as the dandelion, while non-native, do not cause significant economic or ecologic damage and are not widely considered as invasive. Overall, it is estimated that 50,000 non-native species have been introduced to the United States, including livestock, crops, pets, and other non-invasive species. Economic damages associated with invasive species' effects and control costs are estimated at $120 billion per year. [1]

To include:

Notable Invasive Species


For a more complete list of invasive species, see List of invasive species in North America

Picture Name Species Name Introduced Control Measures Notes
Kudzu Pueraria lobata Southern U.S. Mowing, herbicides Known as "The vine that ate the south", forms dense monocultures that outcompete native ground cover and forest trees. Can grow by up to one foot a day
Zebra Mussels Dreissena polymorpha Great Lakes, U.S. waterways & lakes Ballast water transport bans, manual removal from clogged pipes Initially spread by ballast tanks of oceangoing vessels on the Great Lakes, now spread lake-to-lake by trailer-drawn boats. May be a source of avian botulism in the Great Lakes region
European Starlings Sturnus vulgaris Lower 48 states Hunting, trapping Introduced in 19th century as part of an effort to bring all species mentioned in Shakespeare's works to the United States
Brown Tree Snake Boiga irregularis Guam Dog-sniffing of incoming ships, Paracetamol as poison Has reached densities on Guam of up to 100 snakes per hectare, caused extinction on Guam of at least 12 bird species
Burmese Pythons Python molarus Everglades Hunting season created Introduced by releases of pet snakes
Africanized bee Apis hybrid Southwestern U.S. Cold weather has limited spread Hybrid of African and European honeybees created in Brazil in the 1950's, described as "Killer bees" but no more poisonous than common honeybee
Asian Carp Multiple Mississippi River and tributaries Rotenone poison, electric barriers Have the habit of jumping out of the water, which can injure boaters. Introduced to eat algae in fish ponds in Southern U.S., escaped during flood events
Emerald Ash Borer Agrilus planipennis Eastern U.S. Culling infected stands, bans on firewood transport Threatens to severely reduce or eliminate the ash lumber industry of U.S., with an estimated value of $25.1 billion per year
Multiflora Rose Rosa multiflora Eastern U.S. Manual removal, herbicides [2] Introduced for erosion control and promoted as a "living fence" to attract wildlife, now competes with native understory plants
Spiny Water Flea Byothrephes longimanus Great Lakes Ballast water transport bans Competes with native fish for prey, spines prevent many native fish from eating it as prey

Economic Impacts of Invasive Species


The economic impacts of invasive species can be difficult to estimate, especially when an invasive species does not effect economically important native species. This is due in part to the difficulty in determining the non-use value of native habitats damaged by invasive species, and in part to incomplete knowledge of the effects of all of the invasive species present in the U.S. Moreover, little is known about the estimated 750,000 species in the United States. [3] Estimates for the damages caused by well-known species can vary as well. The OTA has estimated zebra mussel economic effects at $300,000 a year, while an ACoE study put the number at $1 billion. Estimates of total yearly costs due to invasive species range from $1.1 billion per year to $137 billion per year [4]
According to David Pimentel's paper in 2004, some of the most costly invasive species are rats, cats, crop weeds, crop pests, crop plants, since they were estimated high on environmental losses and damages with a relative low control costs. [5] The total damage to U.S. bird population is approximately $17 billion/year. In 1993, OTA estimated that a total of $100 million is invested annually in invasive species aquatic weed control in the US. [6] The total cost of destruction by introduced rats in the United States is more than $19 billion per year according USDA's data. [7] Based on Pimentel's argument that the conservative economic losses due to exotic fish is $5.4 billion annually, and the total costs of introduced weeds to the U.S. economy is about $27 billion annually. [8] In addition, approximately $2.1 billion in forest products are lost each year to invasive plant pathogens in the United States, and a conservative estimate of the losses to U.S. livestock from exotic microbes and parasites was approximately $9 billion/year in 2001. [9]

Government Polices & Management Efforts


The federal government has historically promoted the introduction and widespread distribution of species that would become invasive, including Multiflora rose, Kudzu, and others for numerous reasons. Before the 20th century, numerous species were imported and released without government oversight, such as the Gypsy moth and House Sparrow. Over 50% of flora recognized as invasive or noxious weeds were deliberately introduced to the United States, by either government policy or individuals. [10]

Dutch elm disease was introduced accidentally through imported lumber in 1928

Government regulations designed to prevent potentially damaging plants, animals, and pests began in the early 20th century, at first focused on preventing damage to agriculture and forestry.

Regulations Designed to Prevent Entry of an Invasive Species


-- i could stand to retitle this section!

The Lacey Act of 1900, originally designed to protect game wildlife, its role has increased to prohibit parties from bringing non-native species that have the potential to become invasive into the United States. The Lacey Act gives the FWS the power to list a species as "injurious" and regulate or prohibit its entry into the U.S. [11] The Alien Species Prevention and Enforcement Act of 1992 makes it illegal to transport a plant or animal deemed injurious into the United States through the mail.

The USDA is also involved in preventing the introduction of invasive species, largely through the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or APHIS. APHIS was originally tasked with preventing damage to agriculture and forestry from alien species, pests, or diseases, but has had its mission expanded to include preventing invasive species spread as well. [12] This includes identifying potential pests and diseases, assisting in international and domestic eradication efforts, and the Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance Program, designed initially to deal with illegally imported produce, but now tasked with preventing the entry of exotic pests, diseases, and potentially invasive species. [13] APHIS also enforces bans against interstate transport of pests, diseases, and species listed as injurious, noxious weeds, or nuisance species.

Regulations Designed to Control Spread or Eradicate Invasive Species Already Present


Reducing inadvertent transport


Many invasive species are spread inadvertently by human activities, such as seeds stuck to clothing or mud transporting firewood, or through ballast water. The government has instituted several different policies related to different pathways the invasive species may be spread. For example, quarantines on a federal and state level exist for firewood across the Eastern United States in an attempt to halt the spread of the Emerald ash borer, Gypsy moth, oak wilt, and others. Transporting firewood can result in a fine of up to $1,000,000 and 25 years in jail. [14]

Education and outreach

Warning signs like these are a first-line defense against the expansion of easily-spread invasive species, such as the Zebra mussel

Many of the policies used to contain invasive species, such as firewood transport bans or cleaning shoes and clothes after hiking are effective only when the general public knows of their existence and importance. Because of this numerous programs to inform the public about invasive species. This includes placing signs at boat ramps, campsites, state borders, hiking trails, and numerous other locations as reminders of policies and potential fines associated with breaking policies. There are also numerous government programs aimed at educating children [15], promoting volunteer efforts at removal, and the many ways citizens can prevent the spread of invasive species [16]

Inter-Department Cooperation


Invasive species control is not overseen by one government agency. Rather, different invasive species are controlled by different agencies. For example, policies aimed at controlling the Emerald Ash Borer are undertaken by the USDA, because the National Forests it effects are a section of the Department of Agriculture. [17] The National Invasive Species Council was created by executive order in 1999 and charged with promoting efficiency and coordination between the numerous federal invasive species prevention and control policies. The NISC is co-chaired by the secretaries of the three federal departments that are charged with invasive species control: Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce. [18]

Note: It might be interesting to put information about Cooperative Weed (or Invasive Species) Management Areas here. Though it could also be put in regional section.

Regional/State/Local Efforts at Control/Prevention

Another preventative measure in the Great Lakes region is the presence of an electrified barrier in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. The barrier is meant to keep Asian Carp from reaching Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes. On December 2, 2010, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were denied their request to force the closing the Canal by Judge Robert Dow of the United States District Court for Northern District of Illinois. [23] [24] The closing of the Canal would have once again permanently separated Lake Michigan and the Mississippi river system. States argued that the canal, and the Asian Carp in it, posed a risk to $7 billion worth of industry. [25] Currently the electric barrier is the only preventative measure and some question its effectiveness, particularly following the discovery of Asian Carp DNA past the barrier. [26]


  1. ^ David Pimentel, Rodolfo Zuniga, Doug Morrison. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecological Economics. 52 (2005) 273-288.
  2. ^
  3. ^ Raven, P.H., Johnson, G.B., 1992. Biology, Third Edition Mosby Year Book, St. Louis, MO
  4. ^
  5. ^ David Pimentel, Rodolfo Zuniga, Doug Morrison. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecological Economics. 52 (2005) 273-288
  6. ^ OTA, 1993. Harmful Non-Indigenous Species in the United States. Office of Technology Assessment, United States Congress, Washington, DC.
  7. ^ USDA, 2001. Agricultural Statistics. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
  8. ^ Pimentel, D., Lach, L., Zuniga, R., Morrison, D., 1999. Environmental and economic costs associated with introduced nonnative species in the United States. Manuscript, pp. 1– 28.
  9. ^ David Pimentel, Rodolfo Zuniga, Doug Morrison. Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecological Economics. 52 (2005) 273-288
  10. ^ The United States Naturalized Flora: Largely the Product of Deliberate Introductions Richard N. Mack and Marianne Erneberg. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol. 89, No. 2 (Spring, 2002), pp. 176-189
  11. ^ "Nation marks Lacey Act centennial, 100 years of federal wildlife law enforcement. US Fish and Wildlife Service. Retrieved on July 7, 2010.
  12. ^
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  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^ Emerton, L. and G. Howard, 2008, A Toolkit for the Economic Analysis of Invasive Species. Global Invasive Species Programme, Nairobi.
  19. ^
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  34. ^ Ferriter, et al (2001)
  35. ^ Florida Statutes Chapter 373.4592,
  36. ^ Ferriter, "et al" (2001)

Peer Review


I know this article is still under construction, so I'm sure you're aware of much of what I'm going to write. You have a very thorough outline. Before you write too much about specific invasive species, I'd check the wikipedia entry on those species. They may already have a good blurb about the problems from invading new areas, so you may not have to write much in these sections at all.

Some kind of intro before the table of contents would be helpful. Regarding the article's structure - do you need as many headings as you have? It may make sense to have a more limited article than what you currently have. Generally I think the outline is very comprehensive, and where you have text, it is excellent. Sean.giambattista (talk) 16:37, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Pretty much ditto with the previous peer review. I would like to add that in each of the sections titled "Bird", "Plants", "Mammals", "Aquatic Invasive Species", and "Others" that you try just making a list of species. Then you can link to other pages with each of the species listed. Also, be sure when you go back and update the page that the summary focuses on an overview and does not name too many specifics. To add to the previous comment about headings, maybe you could consolidate the sections. It'll make things seem less daunting in my opinion. Ztruidium (talk) 17:18, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the input guys. I'm working on streamlining the sections already posted. As for listing species, there's already a very thorough list of species, divided by type, on a separate page, so we thought that doing a table of a few more well-known species would be informative without being redundant. the goal is something similar to Invasive species in Australia, but much less bulky. Basically, the name, picture, where, and what's done to try to control it. Bkmertz (talk) 01:49, 21 April 2011 (UTC)

Anna's comments


It looks good! Here are some points, mostly about formatting:

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; height:100px;" cellpadding="5"
! style="width:20%;"| Picture
! style="width:20%;"| Species name
! style="width:20%;"| Introduced
! style="width:20%;"| Control measures
! style="width:20%;"| Notes

Further information: Invasive species from Neptune

...beneath section headings where appropriate.
(A neat trick for finding strings of text in article titles or article names is:

At the left of the screen, click the "search" button without entering anything into the search box. This will bring you to a screen with a wider search box. Enter text there, and it will make a list of occurrences. This is a good way to find related information.)
. <ref



...Then paste the whole thing back to the article. This is a 20 second operation saving the time of doing each individually.