My Talk Page Policy

Regardless on what you are writing, please do not use any personal information, as I am committed to my own privacy and protection. You may wish to write your questions, comments, and suggestions for improvement. You are responsible for correcting any errors that you make, as spell checks are randomly implemented by the user at any time.

Writing On Your Talk Page

If I have written something on your talk page, you are strongly advised to observe the following:

Editor's Review

At any time, a sign that indicates an "Editor's Review" may be posted on both my user page and my talk page. What I am looking for are not just my talk page policies and intros, but also my edits. In that case, if you choose to look at it, you must go through them very carefully. Expect a response on you talk page after my review. If I feel that the review by the user who has written my review is incomplete, percentages completed are included, with specifics on what you are missing.

A Warning to All Users

Actions will be taken against offenders that choose to violate my talk page policy, which only consist of a one-time warning and a referral to the administrators page. In that process, I may monitor your talk page at any time without warning, and I reserve the right to report any offenses on my talk page to any administrator within Wikipedia at my discretion.

Important Notes to Remember

Important Notice

All articles that I use to edit (with sources when possible) may contain a summary or two of changes that I have added or deleted with a good possible reason. If you feel that edit is not the case, please let me know promptly with respect.