What's a Canuckle?

Canuck: a slang term for Canadians originating in the 19th century, and the name of an intrepid band of hockey players, the Vancouver Canucks

Knuckle: a joint of a finger, which is brought into prominence when the hand is shut.

Definitions of canuckle from urbandictionary.com:

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This user is thin-skinned, frustrated by process, writes quickly then leaves and prefers the big picture over small details.

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Wikipedia:WikiProject Vancouver

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Picture of the day
Panorama of the NASA rover Sojourner on Mars
Sojourner is a robotic Mars rover that landed in Ares Vallis, a channel in the Chryse Planitia region, on July 4, 1997. Sojourner was operational on Mars for 92 sols (95 Earth days). It was the first wheeled vehicle to rove on a planet other than Earth and formed part of the Mars Pathfinder mission. This panoramic photograph is formed of various images of Sojourner taken by the Mars Pathfinder lander, composited into a 360-degree image referred to by NASA as the "presidential" panorama. Since the camera's position was consistent, it is possible to see these images of the rover in the context of the entire landscape.Photograph credit: NASA / JPL