Hello! I'm Charmane Apilado. From Philippines. I will welcome myself here. Anyway, welcome Charmane!!! Yey!! First of all I want to thank God for his blessings to me and all my love ones. Have good day folks!

I'm Charmane Apilado from La Union, Philippines. I'm 27 years old. I took a lot of courses on my college year, such as Bachelor of science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and lastly Basic cooking skill. Ohh that was huge waste of money of my parents! I live in middle class family. My father already passed away, while my mother is a plain house wife. I have a group of friends when I was high school and luckily we still all be friends through the years. I'm so blessed to have a crazy, embarrassing family! Oh no maybe my mama will scolded me if she read my blog. I'm so thankful to God because he gave me wonderful family. We're not perfect, we used to fight sometimes and all the time, but we loved each other forever! I'm blessed also to have a friends like my high school friends and my friends around the world. I must say I'm weird, I used to be dreaming all the time. I love to dream  the impossible dream. Sometimes I want to be somebody else and  that's terrible. In other words I'm not proud of myself. I don't even try to make challenge because I've always think that maybe I will be hurt or I failed. Honesty I'm the type of person that I'm very afraid of failing myself. I don't want to lose their expectations to me. The hardest part is even you doing good or bad they keep judging. That's the main reason I have low of self esteem. I worried a lot.

Don't worry about me my readers. I will try my best to become the best version of myself. It's very hard to stay true to your self but that's only way to have courage to Love yourself at any cost. Love yourself and reward yourself. Don't listen to the people who brings you down. Stand up and be proud of who we are!!!