Hello, I'm Diamond Dave. I'm a geologist and I graduated with a PhD in 2008 on the subject of geomorphology, lineaments and fault hosted mineralisation in south east Ireland. I was given the nickname Diamond Dave by my classmates because of my conspicuous interest in mineralogy.

My main lifelong interests are Mineralogy and Astronomy but I have had many short lived interests that seem to last about a month before I master a subject and move on. Whilst in the mist of an interest, I like to contribute the knowledge gained to Wikipedia. Contributions include Rudolf II, Laser safety, Eta Carinae, Radiation Hormesis, The 2008 Market Rasen Earthquake etc.

I founded in 2002 and now help run Ireland's only social group for adults with Asperger's syndrome.

Hydrothermal breccia composed mainly of quartz and manganese oxides, the result of seismic activity. A picture I took during geological fieldwork at the Cloghleagh Iron Mine, county Wicklow, Ireland (53° 11' 30"N, 06° 25' 30"W WGS84). The hydrothermal breccia is about 12 million years old, determined by Ar/Ar dating of the potassium bearing manganese oxides.


Erithacus rubecula melophilus (British Robin subspecies) Dublin, Ireland.
