Common name Scientific name Image Length Weight Lifespan IUCN status
Thunnus (Thunnus) – the bluefin group
Albacore tuna T. alalunga
(Bonnaterre, 1788)
1.4 m
(4.6 ft)
60.3 kg
(133 lb)
9–13 yrs NT IUCN 3 1.svg Near threatened[1]
Southern bluefin tuna T. maccoyii
(Castelnau, 1872)
2.45 m
(8.0 ft)
260 kg
(570 lb)
20–40 yrs CR IUCN 3 1.svg Critically endangered[2]
Bigeye tuna T. obesus
(Lowe, 1839)
2.5 m
(8.2 ft)
210 kg
(460 lb)
5–16 yrs VU IUCN 3 1.svg Vulnerable[3]
Pacific bluefin tuna T. orientalis
(Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)
3.0 m
(9.8 ft)
450 kg
(990 lb)
15–26 yrs VU IUCN 3 1.svg Vulnerable[4]
Atlantic bluefin tuna T. thynnus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
4.6 m
(15 ft)
684 kg
(1,508 lb)
35–50 yrs EN IUCN 3 1.svg Endangered[5]
  1. ^ ((IUCN2014.3 |assessors=Collette B and 35 others |year=2011 |id=21856 |title=Thunnus alalunga |downloaded=9 January 2015))
  2. ^ ((IUCN2014.3 |assessors=Collette B and 8 others |year=2011 |id=21858 |title=Thunnus maccoyii |downloaded=9 January 2015)) "This species has been intensively fished since the early 1950s. Its generation length is conservatively estimated to be 12 years. Estimated spawning stock biomass has declined approximately 85% over the past 36 years (1973–2009) and there is no sign that the spawning stock is rebuilding. It is therefore listed as Critically Endangered. Implementation of effective conservation and management measures are urgently needed."
  3. ^ ((IUCN2014.3 |assessors=Collette B and 31 others |year=2011 |id=21859 |title=Thunnus obesus |downloaded=9 January 2015))
  4. ^ ((IUCN2014.3 |assessors=Collette B and 6 others |year=2014 |id=170341|title=Thunnus orientalis |downloaded=9 January 2015))
  5. ^ ((IUCN2014.3 |assessors=Collette B and 23 others |year=2011 |id=21860 |title=Thunnus thynnus |downloaded=9 January 2015))

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