The International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method

Author Year Title
Smith, W. Whately 1922 The measurement of emotion. With a foreword by William Brown.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 1922 Tractatus logico-philosophicus. With an introduction by Bertrand Russell.
Stephen, Karin 1922 The misuse of mind: a study of Bergson's attack on intellectualism. With a prefatory letter by Henri Bergson
Moore, G. E. 1922 Philosophical studies
Peirce, Charles S. 1923 Chance, love, and logic: philosophical essays. Edited with an introduction by Morris R. Cohen. With a supplementary essay on the pragmatism of Pierce by John Dewey.
Rignano, Eugenio 1923 The psychology of reasoning. Authorized translation by Winifred A. Holl.
Jung, C. G. 1923 The psychology of individuation. Translated by H. Godwin Baynes.
Ogden, C. K. and Richards, I. A. 1923 The meaning of meaning: a study of the influence of language upon thought and of the science of symbolism. With an introduction by J. P. Postgate and supplementary essays by B. Malinowski and F. G. Crookshank.
Ritchie, Arthur David 1923 Scientific method: an inquiry into the character and validity of natural laws.
van der Hoop, J. H. 1923 Character and the unconscious; a critical exposition of the psychology of Freud and of Jung. Translated by Elizabeth Trevelyan.
Rivers, W. H. R. 1923 Conflict and dream.
Rivers, W. H. R. 1923 Psychology and politics and other essays. With a prefatory note by G. Elliot Smith and an appreciation by C. S. Myers.
Broad, C. D. 1923 Scientific thought.
Thurstone, L. L. 1924 The nature of intelligence.
Pole, William 1924 The philosophy of music. With an introduction by Edward J. Dent and a supplementary essay by Hamilton Hartridge.
Richards, I. A. 1924 Principles of literary criticism.
Rivers, W. H. R. 1924 Medicine, magic, and religion: The Fitz Patrick Lectures delivered before The Royal College of Physicians of London in 1915 and 1916. With a preface by G. Elliot Smith
Vaihinger, Hans 1924 The philosophy of às if, a system of the theoretical, practical and religious fictions of mankind. Translated by C. K. Ogden.
Gregory, J. C. 1924 The nature of laughter
Hulme, Thomas E. 1924 Speculations: essays on humanism and the philosophy of art.
Koffka, Curt 1924 The Growth of the Mind. An introduction to child-psychology. Translated by Robert Morris Ogden.
Adler, Alfred 1924 The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology. Translated by Paul Radin.
Campbell, C. Macfie et al, eds. 1925 Problems of personality: studies presented to Dr. Morton Prince, pioneer in American psychopathology
Leuba, James H. 1925 The Psychology of religious mysticism
Tischna, Rudolf 1925 Telepathy and clairvoyance. Translated by W. D. Hutchinson, with an introduction by E. J. Dingwall.
Broad, C. D. 1925 The mind and its place in nature.
Rohde, Erwin 1925 Psyche : the cult of souls and belief in immortality among the Greeks. Translated from the 8th edition by W. B. Hillis.
Köhler, Wolfgang 1925 The mentality of apes. Translated from the second revised edition by Ella Winter.
MacCurdy, John T. 1925 The psychology of emotion, morbid and normal.
Sturt, Mary 1925 The psychology of time.
Lange, Frederick Albert 1925 The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance. Translated by Ernest Chester Thomas.
Fox, Charles 1925 Educational psychology: its problems and methods
Kretschmer, Ernst 1925 Physique and character: an investigation of the nature of constitution and of the theory of temperament. Translated from the second, revised and enlarged, edition by W. J. H. Sprott.
Révész, Géza 1925 The psychology of a musical prodigy
Burtt, Edwin Arthur 1925 The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science; a historical and critical essay
Collins, Mary 1925 Colour-blindness; with a comparison of different methods of testing colour-blindness. With an introduction by Dr. James Drever.
Masson-Oursel, Paul 1926 Comparative philosophy. With an introduction by F. G. Crookshank.
Rivers, W. H. R. 1926 Psychology and ethnology. Edited with preface and introduction by G. Elliott Smith.
Piaget, Jean 1926 The language and thought of the child. Preface by Professor E. Claparède. Translated by Marjorie Warden.
Uexküll, Jakob von 1926 Theoretical biology. Translated by Doris L Mackinnon.
Thalbitzer, Sophus 1926 Emotion and insanity. Translated by M. G. Beard
Gordon, R. G. 1926 Personality.
Malinowski, Bronislaw 1926 Crime and custom in savage society.
Adler, Mortimer J. 1927 Dialectic.
Alverdes, Friedrich 1927 Social life in the animal world. Translated by K. C. Creasy.
Buchanan, Scott 1927 Possibility.
Burrow, Trigant 1927 The social basis of consciousness: a study in organic psychology based upon a synthetic and societal concept of the neuroses.
De Sanctis, Sante 1927 Religious conversion: a bio-psychological study. Translated by Helen Augur.
Gordon, R. G. 1927 The neurotic personality.
Hsiao, Kung-Chuan 1927 Political pluralism: a study in contemporary political theory.
Malinowski, Bronislaw 1927 Sex and repression in savage society.
Mitchell, T. W. 1927 Problems in psychopathology.
Piéron, Henri 1927 Thought and the brain. Translated by C. K. Ogden.
Roback, A. A. 1927 The psychology of character, with a survey of temperament.
Russell, Bertrand 1927 The analysis of matter.
Schoen, Max (ed.) 1927 The effects of music: a series of essays. With contributions by W. V. Bingham, Charles S. Myers, Otto Ortman, Esther L. Gatewood, Margaret Floy Washburn, George L. Dickinson, Max Schoen, Ida H. Hyde, Margaret S. Child, Theodora Mead Abel, A. R. Gilliland, H. T. Moore, June E. Downey and George E. Knapp.
Bogoslovsky, Boris B. 1928 The technique of controversy: principles of dynamic logic.
Jung, Carl 1928 Contributions to analytical psychology. Translated by H. G. and Cary F. Baynes.
Lodge, Rupert Clendon 1928 Plato's theory of ethics: the moral criterion and the highest good.
Markey, John F. 1928 The symbolic process and its integration in children: a study in social psychology.
Marston, William Moulton 1928 Emotions of normal people.
Piaget, Jean 1928 Judgement and Reasoning in the Child. In collaboration with Mlles E. Cartalis, S. Escher, ... Translated by Marjorie Warden.
Rabaud, Etienne 1928 How animals find their way about: a study of distant orientation and place-recognition. Translated by by I.H. Myers.
Wheeler, William Morton 1928 The social insects: their origin and evolution. (Lectures delivered 1925, at the University of Paris.)

To-day and Tomorrow

Author Year Title
Haldane, J. B. S 1923 Daedalus ; or, Science and the future: a paper read to the Heretics, Cambridge on February 4th, 1923.
Heard, Gerald 1924 Narcissus : an anatomy of clothes
Ludovici, Anthony M. 1924 Lysistrata; or, woman's future and future woman, etc.
Patten, C, J. 1924 The Passing of the Phantoms: A Study of Evolutionary Psychology and Morals
Russell, Bertrand 1924 Icarus; or, The future of science
Schiller, F. C. S. 1924 Tantalus : or, The future of man
Stokes, H. F. Scott 1924 Perseus, or, Of dragons
Crookshank, F. G. 1924 The Mongol in Our Midst: A Study of Man and His Three Faces
Haldane, J. B. S 1925 Callinicus: A Defence of Chemical Warfare
Russell, Bertrand 1925 What I Believe
Schiller, F. C. S. 1926 Cassandra, or the Future of the British Empire
d'Albe, E. E. Fournier Quo Vadimus? Glimpses of the Future
Joad, C. E. M. Thrasymachus, the Future of Morals