Personal Info

I am:


I hold a BA from the Royal Military College of Canada in history, with a particular focus in military history in general, and Canadian military history. I also took quite a few psychology credits, several pretaining to leadership and organizational management.

I have also been informally educated by my girlfriend in the area of Sociology. (much to my chagrin)

My areas personal historical interest include:

- The Easter Rising;
- The Irish Civil War;
- The Troubles;
- The Canadian Corps;
- The Schlieffen Plan;
- Technology and tactical innovations;
- The Battle of Hong Kong;
- The Battle of the Atlantic;
- The Canadian Army in Italy;
- Amphibious operations at Iwo Jima and Okinawa;
- D-Day;



I play recreationally:

I have competed in:

Other Interests

Wikipedia Contributions

I'm still working on learning how to use wikipedia well, so most of my contributions have been very minor. Hopefully this section will grow!