
Me and my oldest, on a fallen tree, August 2004. (My oldest boy still features at caesarian section)

My real name is Erich Schulz. I am a registered medical practitioner and specialist anaesthetist in the state of Queensland. Before you start chatting to me in German, I should tell you that my father's father was the Australian born son of two emmigrants from Pomerania in about 1895. I am named after my grandfather. My German is just adequate to order beer.

My wikicontributions are extremely sporadic, but I lurk still and may be drawn in from time to time. I love Wikipedia, even though though lately whenever I attempt to add a page some anonymous person (of unknown age or background) with admin privileges seems to want to delete it!

user:erich gasboy/sandpit

How I got here

A colleague sent me to Wikipedia when I asked for information on isomers. At the time I was supposed to be studying for a big postgraduate exam. Despite acute Wiki-addiction I passed on Monday 29 March, 2004. A bit of a surprise as I was very nervous about it and procrastinated a lot!!

Personal background

The Dudes


Wiki goals

I personally strive for


As of about April 2004, I have started exploring the technical aspects of Wiki knowledge. I have gotten as far as establishing two domain names bedlamhouse.net and gasboys.net.

Bedlamhouse is our house on-line... but its a bit quiet because i've been distracted by gasboys !

I'd like gasboys to evolve into an online educational facility aimed primarily at anaesthetic (anesthesiology for you Americans!) trainees. I'm seeking to create what could be called a 'wikiMCQ' database. I have my own set of about 4000 questions I used to study for the above exam which I'll use as a seed... If you're interested drop by my living room and leave me a note!

Anaesthesia stuff

These pages are very patchy...

Must look up


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Multi-licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License versions 1.0 and 2.0
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.