I am an inclusionist by nature, so I have a bit of a problem with someone who's main stated purpose is to delete more stuff on Wikipedia. A lot of that stuff is something that someone like me has written, or is in the midst of writing.

We worry so much about discouraging newbies with WP:BITE and WP:CIVIL, but we do not worry much about what a newbie feels like when they are just trying to write an article and it gets deleted by someone who is a bit too zealous, and they do not understand the rules for speedys and AfDs? A lot of them do not even realize they can retrieve deleted articles. So they are excited about a chance to contribute, and they start writing, and then we drop a bomb on them. Well you do not think that will discourage newbies? For an example, take a look at this.

Growth paranoia

One topic I frequently read about is worrying over the slowdown or potential slowdown or putative slowdown of growth of Wikipedia, measured in a variety of ways. Immediately someone claims that this is because of some pet issue or another, and used as a justification to deal with this issue aggressively, or more aggressively. For example, I have read people who claim that Wikipedia's growth is slowly because:

None of this is based on any information or evidence. These are just declarations of someone or other (and in the case of CIVIL claims, are just echoes of something the Wiki God King has said, and so are related to butt-kissing). However, what other potential hypotheses for a slow down or reputed slow down are there:

I could probably come up with many other potential reasons. Without studying this carefully and gathering evidence, it is not at all clear that if we just pound on the existing editors harder to limit the use of profanities that Wikipedia will start growing again at the same rate that it did previously. This is just some unproven conjecture someone has made.

Another question that arises is, do we actually want the kind of production that previous the rapid growth rate was associated with? One could argue that the product of this sort of growth, while impressive in volume, was sadly lacking in quality and reliability and a bit dissappointing. Now that this has become more and more painfully obvious, editors have to go back and correct the previous shoddy work, which is far more time-consuming. --Filll (talk) 16:51, 1 April 2008 (UTC)