AGF | Take the AGF Challenge!

There are three choices for how to answer these exercises.

Multiple choice


To answer the AGF Challenge in a multiple choice format, go to User:Filll/AGF Challenge Multiple Choice and then click on the link or links to each exercise that you agree with, and then sign the associated page. You can also leave comments if you feel so inclined, although it might be best to put them on the associated talk pages.

Essay answer


The Questions

If you feel that an essay answer format is better for your purposes, download the Challenge exercises found here, and copy them onto a page associated with your account. For example, if your username is User:Example123, make a subpage of your userpage called User:Example123/AGF Challenge Exercise Answers. Edit this page to answer each of the exercises, and then place a link to your answers back on the essay answer page, AGF Challenge Exercise Answer Page, such as

Others can then view your answers and possibly initiate a discussion about them, or with you. Of course, you can skip any exercise that does not appeal to you, or you have not yet completed.



If you do not feel comfortable identifying yourself, or associating yourself with your answers to the exercises, simply make a throwaway email account at or some other email provider, under an account name that does not identify you. Then email your answers to the exercises to User:Filll. I will then post your answers, under the anonymous account name you have given yourself on the essay answer page at User:Filll/AGF Challenge Exercise Answers. Any followup discussion of your responses can also be done by anonymous email and posted to the essay answer page, under your anonymous account name.

Of course, you should take care to not violate any sockpuppet rules on Wikipedia.



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AGFThis user took the AGF Challenge

AGFThis user took the AGF Challenge

This user took the AGF Challenge
See the Results

AGFThis user took the AGF Challenge